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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Soapbox Time...

Soapbox Time...

...And if you think I’ve been standing on a soapbox since our sites opened, think again. To quote Val Kilmer, "I’ve not yet begun to defile myself." OK. Everyone that I know of is talking about Star Wars. Episode Three this, Revenge of the Sith that; I don’t care. And that’s a lot coming from a Star Wars geek like myself. I had the original toys, and I have a few of the new ones. Just like any drooling kid when they were five, the first Star Wars had me sitting absolutely still and quiet (I’m sure my parents were thankful) for two solid hours. I grew up with it, and like every major icon from our youths, it influenced me. (I didn't really want to do this, but I had Marcie laughing at my later comments as I tried to "cast" this.)

No, no. Not like that. I shave and shower on a regular basis, and I don’t waste my time lining up for tickets weeks of months in advance. I have more important things to deal with in life like a new house, and preparing to move. The Con. Option is running a close second right now, which I’m quite focused on. But no, Star Wars hasn’t even entered my mind. And there are more reasons than just life.
As a kid I was enthralled by this man’s cinematic vision, and allowing us a glimpse into it. As an adult, almost thirty-plus years later, I wanted to be transported back to that galaxy when the first new one arrived. I wanted to feel like so many of those adults that go to Disneyland, and claim they become kids again. (I have never been there, and I will never go there, but that’s a different blog for a different day.) I wanted to be completely sucked back in, just like when I was five. Needless to say, I was disappointed, greatly.

(Yes, I have read Lucas’ accusations to people my age; that we will never be satisfied. Why not? After all, aren’t we the ones that made you what you are? A multimillionaire, considered a visionary filmmaker, and "always railed against the system, man!" No, Mr. Lucas, we aren’t the people in the media that blew you previous two efforts out of the water. That would be reserved to the entertainment media that thought they were sub-par, far below a filmmaker of your stature, and generally just plain sucked.)

But I’m not giving him another chance. And again, that’s a lot coming from me. My friends will warn you all: Don’t challenge me when it comes to Star Wars trivia. Only one man knows more than I do, and that’s the senile old man that created the series to begin with. I will boast (puffing up my chest on the soapbox) that I have taken on as many as twenty people on one team versus me in that trivia realm. I am a perfect 34 for 34 against my friends.

But again, I’m not giving him a chance to snooker me. I don’t care how great everyone claims it is. Lucas could never be as dark as I could be. He claims it’s PG-13 for the violence and situations within it. Again, this is part of the hype, as it is the only Star Wars film to have the rating. He has no idea how dark the fans are expecting this to be. After reading the tie-in book to the movie, I know it can’t be as dark as people are claiming it is.

I’m not calling others liars. I’m just simply saying I’ve got a great imagination, and after reading the book, I’m not impressed. But, on the heels of the reports yesterday about all the overblown hype regarding political statements in the movie, and as a clever aside, I’d like to compare the main cast of this movie to the real world......in the Left’s eyes.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: John Bolton—Because this man has the wisdom to lead (read: drag) the UN towards it’s "destiny." Which is standing up for freedom and democracy around the world...galaxy...whatever. (Cox and Forkum had a priceless cartoon with Bolton in the Darth Vader suit scaring the ever-living Hell out of the Democrats.)

Padme Amidala: Condi Rice—OK, face it, she’s the only woman. It’s not that it’s a bad thing, but Condi suffers from the same thing Padme does; the only chick in a man’s world. (So much for the equality of the Republic)

Mace Windu: Don Rumsfeld—The wise old warrior that coordinates our military into battle.

Yoda: Dick Cheney—According to the Left, Cheney has all the answers, and is the big guy calling the shots just like Yoda.

Chancellor/Emperor Palpatine: Karl Rove—Is he not the evil manipulator in the Left’s eyes? Day By Day (Which is featured on our site; again shameless plug) yesterday had Karl Rove in a Darth Vader Suit.
http://www.daybydaycartoon.com/Default.aspx (It's the one from the 18th, remember that.)

General Grievous: Howard Dean—Because he leads the opposition, and Grievous is about as retarded as Dean is. And it was a "grievous" mistake that cost Grievous his life in the book; much like the next "YYYEEEEAAAAAHHH!" might cost Dean his political life.

Count Dooku: Harry Reid—Because like Reid will go down, Dooku goes down like a b***h; just like Darth Maul did in Episode I.

Anakin: Pres. Bush—Of course...He’s the know nothing walking into the world with his eyes wide open, but his shoelaces tied together. He doesn’t know any better. He’s the amiable dunce in the whole thing, and couldn’t see his destiny coming up to him if Cheney helped him.

Darth Vader: John McCain—This is who "young Anakin/Bush" has the risk of becoming. Granted, Bush is a moderate, and I’ve got my gripes with the man, but the ultimate evil Bush could commit to would rival that of McCain. After all, McCain’s stabbed the party in the back, much the same way Anakin does when he finally turns. Granted, I’m still working the "more machine now, than man" part Obi Wan talked about in A New Hope.

Publius II


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