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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Thugs And Dictators Applauding A Thug And A Dictator

I’ve railed on the UN before. It’s no surprise to any of our regular readers that I can’t stand the organization. It’s original mission is no longer the mission these fools are on. They are interested only in their own power. And they love to give legitimacy to others like them. The UN allowed Yasser Arafat to address the General Assembly with his sidearm on. They dislike the fact that they weren’t involved in Iraq and Afghanistan, that they’re not involved in the six nation talks with North Korea, and they aren’t happy with us no matter what we do.

But this just takes the cake...(Hat-Tip: LGF)


The US accuses Mr Mugabe of starving his people and has said his presence at the food summit is "disheartening".

Mr Mugabe defended his land reforms that have seen thousands of farmers evicted and said rich nations' farm subsidies were "crippling" the poor.

Some delegates to the Rome meeting applauded Mr Mugabe's condemnation of the Western leaders on several occasions during his speech and then at the end.

Mr Mugabe used his speech to lambast President Bush and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose governments have been among his severest critics.

"Must we allow these men, the two unholy men of our millennium, who in the same way as Hitler and Mussolini formed [an] unholy alliance, form an alliance to attack an innocent country?" asked Mr Mugabe, apparently referring to Iraq.

"The voice of Mr Bush and the voice of Mr Blair can't decide who shall rule in Zimbabwe, who shall rule in Africa, who shall rule in Asia, who shall rule in Venezuela, who shall rule in Iran, who shall rule in Iraq," he said.

Mr Mugabe said his land reforms, which enabled the government to seize hundreds of farms owned mostly by white Zimbabweans, had been part of a process to correct colonial injustices.

Colonial injustices Mr. Mugabe? You’re doing this to your own people. Earlier this year, Mugabe claimed he was demolishing illegally built structures–shacks and shanties–to curb the black marketeers and criminals in Zimbabwe. It couldn’t have been further from the truth. These weren’t huts or lean-to’s. These were brick and mortar homes being demolished under the watchful of eye of Mugabe’s security forces. Gateway Pundit back on July 31st posted up a letter from a man in Zimbabwe that was describing the demolition.

Mugabe is committing genocide in his own country. He tossed white Zimbabweans off their land, and gave it to the blacks. Now, he’s tossing them off the land, and blaming the whites for the failures of those farms. It’s not the white people’s fault the farms failed. It’s the blacks because they didn’t know how to run them. He’s already starved about 300,000 people in his country.

Mugabe’s a thug. He’s no different than the mullahs in Iran, Kim Jong Il, Bashir Assad, or any of the animals launching rockets from Gaza into Jerusalem. And the UN delegation applauded this man. On the heels of the information coming out about the Oil-For-Food scandal, their petty tantrums over the US moving "unilaterally," and their support of figures like Mugabe, I think it’s time to leave the UN. To hell with them. Pull out, take our money and our troops, and let the organization die. Their continued "blind-eye" treatment of thugs worldwide shows that these people don’t believe in real peace. They believe only in the peace they’d foster if they ruled the world. Sorry, no one-world governments in my lifetime, pal. I like my freedom the American way.

Publius II


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