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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

More Israel Updates: Can You Spell W-A-R?

My eternal gratitude to Hot Air for all the updates throughout the day as the march towards war escalates. Here is what we know right now, via Allah Pundit's outstanding job:

Ynet had this:

Hizbullah even had a concrete offer, which binds the two kidnapping affairs – in the north and in the south: A release of the three kidnapped soldiers, including Corporal Gilad Shalit, in exchange for the release of thousands of prisoners, including Lebanese prisoners who are still held by Israel.

Shalit is the soldier kidnapped by Hamas terrorists in Gaza just a couple short weeks ago, and this shows the complicity between both organizations against Israel. The strategy, I'm guessing, is to force Israel into a two-front war, and one they think that Israel couldn't maintain. Boy, have they received a surprise today, huh?

"The IDF says it’s hit 30 targets in Lebanon so far this morning. The Lebanese prime minister demands that Kofi Annan stop the Zionist aggression."

That's from Allah Pundit, and after reading both articles linked above I can only say it really stinks to be in Lebanon right now. The populace knows that the Israelis mean business. It's been six years since they've had to deal with a conflict of this magnitude, and it's clear as crystal that Israel is really p***ed. As for the UN, does anyone really think that Israel is going to listen to them? Please. Their new human rights council called Israel the worst human rights abuser in the world. That's above China, North Korea, Zimbabwe, Somalia, Sudan, etc., which represent five of the absolute worst human rights abusers on the globe. Israel isn't going to listen to the UN because they know, in the end, that they're correct in acting against their enemies. Deliberations in the UN would become as bogged down as they are over Iran. And speaking of Iran, it seems that Larijani is in Damascus right now:

DEBKAfile’s counter-terror sources report Hizballah acted on orders from Tehran to open a second front against Israel, partly to ease IDF military pressure on the Hamas in the Gaza Strip. This was in response to an appeal Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal made to the Iranian ambassador to Damascus Mohammad Hassan Akhtari Sunday, July 9. ...

DEBKAfile reports: Iran’s national security adviser Ali Larijani flies to Damascus aboad special military plane Wednesday night as war tension builds up around Hizballah kidnap of 2 Israeli soldiers.

July 12, 2006, 10:14 PM (GMT+02:00)

Larijani is also Iran’s senior nuclear negotiator. He will remain in Damascus for the duration of the crisis in line with the recently Iranian-Syrian mutual defense pact. His presence affirms that an Israeli attack on Syria will be deemed an assault on Iran. It also links the Israeli hostage crisis to Iran’s nuclear standoff with the West.

The White House released a statement holding Syria and Iran responsible for Hizballah abduction and demanding their immediate and unconditional release.

The Syrian army has been put on a state of preparedness.

Bashir Assad has just been put on notice. When Shalit was snatched by Hamas, the Israelis buzzed Assad's palace in Syria. That was a warning. I agree with Allah Pundit that now would be a good time to make the buzz permanent. Unfortunately, by now Assad is likely to have flown the coop.

People are predicting that Israel will end this once their soldiers are returned. And while I'd like to agree with them, I don't see that happening unless something major happens with either Hezbollah or the Palestinians. The Israelis are cleary showing signs that patience has run out. They have endured months of Kassam rocket attacks from Gazan terrorists. They have tried to work with Hamas. They have been browbeat by the dictators in the international community to turn over money that is said to be Palestinian. (Unfortunately, possession is still 9/10ths of the law, and the Israelis and her allies were withholding those funds. Sucks to be a dictator.)

Enough is enough, and if the UN wants to cry, I'll buy them a beer. We have to let the Israelis deal with this. They won't let us help them in terms of military support. There will be no US ground troops or operations in Israel. So, we need to let them handle this problem that's been plaguing them long enough. If we, in the US, lived like the Israelis do--with consistent attacks from those within our borders--we'd retaliate, and we wouldn't give a rat's @$$ what the world thought.

And neither should Israel.

Publius II


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