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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Beyond The Pale

On Tuesday, Sen. Durbin, from my home state of Illinois, took to the floor of the Senate and basically compared this nation—America—to three of the bloodiest and brutal regimes on the face of the planet. He was speaking directly about our military base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba where all the detainees from the GWOT are sent. He was speaking on the interrogation methods used by our men down there, and in doing so, he jumped on the same bandwagon as Amnesty International is on.

Now, my other half absolutely slapped the snot out of Durbin this morning. I read it, and it wasn’t kind to the senator. Good. He deserves all the abuse being meted out by America. What he did goes well beyond the pale, it’s beyond abhorrent or reprehensible. It goes even beyond censurable. I don’t want him chastised by his fellow senators; I want him gone. I either want his resignation, or I want the senators to condemn him so bad that he’s basically just twiddling his thumbs, and taking up space until his next election. But, yes, above all, I want his head.

Not physically, mind you; I don’t advocate violence. But I want his gone. I want to see that he has resigned in disgrace as he should. This garbage has gone on long enough but these people. I can handle the little lies told by Kennedy and Boxer. I can even handle the slanderous comments made by Dayton during the Rice confirmation. But I won’t tolerate crap out of a pile of s**t like Durbin.

This man has ZERO clue as to what constitutes a gulag, or for that matter, the idea of torture. Humiliation isn’t torture, dipshit. The people in Gitmo have been treated far better than any "prisoner" ever has been by a foreign nation. These people have been allowed to keep their religious texts, and we give them to them (Stalin would have NEVER let a Bible into the gulags), we allow them to observe their religion (Hitler never did that), and they are well-fed (Again, Hitler didn’t do that either) and well taken care of. (Pol Pot took care of the weak by killing them.)

Dick Durbin is speaking out his ass, if I may be frank. He has no idea what he’s really talking about. He is taking a year-old memo from an FBI agent who supposedly witnessed these treatments, and using it as a talking point, and he’s riding the hype of the rhetoric he spews. But this just can’t be ignored. We can’t treat him like we do all the rest of the loony Left; this man—in his address—did so passionately, and I think he really believes this. His address today on the floor of the Senate was absolutely appalling.

Not only did he reiterate the aforementioned statements, but expanded on it. He tried to spin it, and he just can’t spin fast enough out of the problem that he, himself, created. What did he create? Oh, let me extol.

This man, by grabbing onto a definitely slanted press release from Amnesty International, twisted the knife in our backs even deeper. By making their claims legitimate by parroting them, then he lends credence to the men and women fighting to protect this nation’s freedom and liberty. He claims that these techniques are outside the realm of proper treatment. Really?

Has this ass ever been to the "Killing Fields"? Has he ever visited the concentration camps, and gotten that sick feeling standing in the "showers"? Has he ever truly seen what a gulag under the Soviet regime was really like? (If our readers haven’t, read Anne Applebaum’s book called "Gulag"; it is more eye-opening.) The research I’ve done on these people, these regimes, these monsters that history has recorded, would make most people sick. When I first started doing deep research on the Holocaust and on Pol Pot’s reign I had nightmares. What we’re doing at Gitmo doesn’t give me nightmares; it helps me sleep good at night.

But I have to ask one very important question: Where are the Democrats? Why is it that the Republicans can hold their own accountable, and the Democrats can’t muster up the strength to demand accountability from one of their own. David Duke decided to run on the GOP ticket, and the Republican dumped him; they virtually shut him out of the party. The party wanted nothing to do with an admitted racist, and a member of the KKK. Trent Lott praised Strom Thurmond at a birthday celebration, and brought up Thurmond’s segregationist past. Lott’s head rolled, in a way, when he was removed as Senate Majority Leader. Dick Durbin is the second highest ranking Democrat in the Senate. Where’s the accountability?

I don’t want the closed door sort of holding him to his actions. I want it in the open, just like the GOP did to Trent Lott and David Duke. People have to see that the Democrats are something more than a joke. And the DailyKos kids aren’t helping matters, either. They’re praising him. I know the Left side of the blogosphere is as nutty as Howard Dean, but there are a few that are at least intellectually-honest. Durbin can’t be intellectually honest; it’s obvious he has no brains.

And to further the stupidity of Durbin, did we not use similar tactics against the Branch Davidians in Waco? What about the "torture" we used on Noriega? Durbin is a moron. He can’t keep things straight, and he is more damaging to his own party than Howard Dean could ever hope to be. (The only way Dean could top Durbin would be to publicly call for the assassination of the president, and no, I wouldn’t put it past him. However, an opportunist like McCain might be him to the punch.)

Durbin comes up for reelection in Illinois in 2008. Please, dear God, let the voters have more brains than this moron. And I encourage every Republican running against a Democrat in 2006 and 2008 to ask their opponent if they agree with asinine statements like this, like the report from Amnesty International, like the spew from Boxer, Kennedy, Clinton, Kerry, Leahy, etc. If they do, then nail their ass to the wall.

And Durbin should be nailed to the wall. His comments went further than should ever be allowed, even under the protection of the floor of the Senate; this is reminiscent of the undermining that occurred during Vietnam. It is disgusting. It makes me sick, and I’m so mad right now I could spit nails.

We in the blogosphere have been able to bring our attention around for truly grievous offense, and accomplish the task of bringing the offender down. It’s not a boast, and the blogosphere—as a tool—has a powerful following. Rarely does it flex it’s muscles. Swarms come and go, and occasionally, we net a moth bugging us and the country that the MSM missed. Some aspects of the MSM are focusing on Durbin’s comments, and I’m sure the sound-bites will be long and plentiful tonight and tomorrow. But the media isn’t calling for his head. They’re going to coddle him the way we do our enemy at Gitmo.

So, I’m calling for—or joining the call—of bloggers to bring this SOB down. His comments warrant nothing less than his resignation, and intense interior pressure from his fellow senators. It’s time for us to turn the pressure up as long as Durbin stands firm. If he stands firm, I want the ax swung, and I want his head gone. I’ll not tolerate this sort of "bravo-sierra" in my nation. Get rid of him, and do it now.

Publius II


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with everything you said about durbin. As far as I'm concern, he wiped his ass on the senate floor and told America the terrorist are better than we are. Kick him out of the senate. Grrrrrrrr Rawriter

6:11 PM  

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