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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Save The Watches: It Is Getting Deep

The insipid attacks against Karl Rove are now beginning to reach a fever pitch. Joe Wilson—former US Ambassador and proven liar—has enlisted the help of Senator Charles Schumer, N.Y.—D. Both of them are joined by other Democrats, including John Kerry and Hillary Clinton, in calling for the immediate revocation of Rove’s security clearance. I do hope they are kidding because they have done far worse. Hillary’s reputation proceeds her around the FBI files that she and her husband kept in the White House on prominent Republicans.

John Kerry spoke of new weapons the US was developing during the first Presidential debate. Most people would shrug this off. I do not. Those systems and weapons are not even known by the general public, therefore I will assume it is classified. He spoke specifically of a new nuclear weapon we were developing. The world watches America, literally, and that "secret" was revealed to the world as a whole.

Karl Rove stands accused of outing a covert CIA operative. Yet, there is no proof—assumed or otherwise—to prove the allegation. The Left will seethingly reply "That’s because Rove is a genius." If no proof can be found, or has been found, then why is the media, Sen. Schumer and Joe Wilson slandering Karl Rove. I doubt I need to explain that their ideology is so selfish and jealous that they prefer to verbally beat their enemies up, and drag their name through the mud. To them, the accusation is worse than the actual, supposed crime.

But Karl Rove did not do that. Matt Cooper’s E-mail communications with Rove prove that; Rove warned Cooper not to do the story. Not because there would be any repercussions from the White House, as the Left is so fond of accusing Rove of doing such, but because what he was following had no legs. There was no story. Wilson had lied to the Senate Intelligence Committee (lies which are verifiable), and outed his wife himself.

I am positive that he did so inadvertently. But I find it hard to "out" someone when one’s identity is not classified. Joe Wilson’s wife—Valerie Plame—was not a covert agent. She worked in a division of the CIA that dealt with WMDs, but she was a low-level analyst. She did not even have a security clearance that matched what other operatives possessed. She was not even a non-official cover operative, or NOC. She and her husband returned to America in 1997, and stayed here; never dispatched again for any official government business. Robert Novak, a syndicated columnist, revealed her name in an October 1, 2003 column. By then, she had been in this country for six years. NOCs cease to be a NOC after five years of overseas inactivity.

So, Valerie Plame was neither a covert operative or a NOC. And again I ask what Karl Rove had to do with this. He did not mention her and her association or employment with the CIA. Wilson and Novak were. Wilson did it long before that by introducing his wife as a CIA worker. It was not a secret in Washington, nor was it one she kept from him. On their third date, she revealed to Wilson that she worked at the CIA.

So I fail to see where all the hell is coming from. I know the Left’s inadequacy when it comes to dealing with this president. (That is another thing: How can a man be so "dumb," as the Left claims him to be, be so damned devious at the same time. Memo to Democrats: An idiot is always an idiot. Flashes of "brilliance" are rare.) They do not like him. They despise him. They want him out of office, and cannot figure a legitimate way to get rid of him.

But worse yet, they attack his support mechanism. Rove, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Ashcroft, Rice, and the list goes on. They are hoping to hurt him by removing that support. It will not hurt him, much. But I would like to air a word of caution.

First, to Joe Wilson. Do not push this issue too hard. If you do, the special counsel, Patrick Fitzgerald, may end up coming for your skin with an indictment.

Second, to the Democrats. It is not wise to keep taking swipes at those that the president has in their places. Why? Push this president too far, and he may end up resorting to other means. Can you say "recess appintment?"

The Bunny ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good blog and I'm glad you are staying with the story so long as hillary, kerry and some other other democrat senator are calling for Rove's security clearance. I have no idea what the Special Prosecutor will do but I do believe he will take something to the grand jury but it won't be to indict Rove. I would like to see him subpoena Senator Schumer. He must know something the way he's defending Wilson! Rawriter

6:13 PM  
Blogger Syd And Vaughn said...

To Those Questioning my accusation of John Kerry's revelation during the debates, here is his exact quote.

"Right now the president is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to research bunker-busting nuclear weapons. The United States is pursuing a new set of nuclear weapons. It doesn't make sense.

You talk about mixed messages. We're telling other people, "You can't have nuclear weapons," but we're pursuing a new nuclear weapon that we might even contemplate using."

I do consider this a breach of security. This should have never been said, and Kerry should have had any security clearance he may have had revoked.

Further, many of the talk radio people, including Rush and Hannity are busy spreading around a falsehood. Kerry and Lugar did not "out" any covert agent. Michelle Malkin covered the issue of Fulton Armstrong. He was known by the press and the public of being a covert operative long before Kerry opened his mouth while grilling Bolton.

The Bunny ;)

12:41 PM  

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