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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Monday, July 11, 2005

This Simply Screams For An Answer

When I first read this, I didn’t think much of it. Democrat town hall love fests? Not my style. But something really clicked with me in this article from the Orlando Sentinel, and after about two minutes, my head was screaming at me to do something. OK. I’m never one to argue with the voices in my head. (And they also screamed at me to interrupt where I felt it necessary.)

EATONVILLE -- About 500 people rose to their feet in a standing ovation worthy of a rock star as U.S. Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., hit the stage Saturday at Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church.

The charismatic black politician from Chicago, who at 43 has achieved almost icon status since his wildly popular speech at last year's Democratic convention, was in town to bolster the upcoming Senate campaign of his colleague U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla.

Nelson’s going to need more than Obama to prop him up. He is one of the Gang of Fourteen out of the Senate that, like the Democrats before them, usurped the power of the government when it comes to nominees. Frist was going to set things right, and Nelson, McCain, Snowe, and Lieberman grabbed their buddies and worked out one of the worst "deals" I have ever seen.

The occasion was Nelson's eighth and final town-hall meeting around the state during the past week.

"This is your meeting," Nelson told the racially mixed crowd from around the area. "Barack and I want to hear from you."

But the mood was more love fest than town meeting.

Dozens of cell-phone cameras in the audience framed the lanky Obama as he described Nelson as an "honest, hardworking and insightful senator."

Nelson, 62, who faces a tough re-election campaign next year against U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris, R-Sarasota, returned the favor, calling Obama "a rock star who carries himself with dignity and humility and is so smart."

They were preaching to the choir.

Only seven people stood to address the senators during the hour long meeting. But everyone listened closely as the two men responded to issues that ranged from worries over the out-of-power Democratic Party to the rising cost of health care and Florida's inadequately funded pre-kindergarten program.
The most provocative question was the first.

"I see a Democratic Party afraid to say they're Democrats, who voted for the war in Iraq and voted for tax cuts for the wealthy," said Glenn Anderson of Orlando. "Why should I remain a Democrat?"

You shouldn’t. If I were a Democrat right now, I’d be embarrassed by how my party is acting. The antics of the Leftist Democrats are only driving more Democrats away, and turning mainstream America off. The actions of this party since 2001 are unprecedented. Never, in this nation’s history, has a party so far out of power acted the way the Democrats have. You have "Leaky" Leahy and "Schmucky" Scumer attacking judicial nominees—even ones that haven’t been named yet. Pelosi jumped on that bandwagon last week. Reid jumped on it for the Democrat’s weekly radio address, practically demanding that the president choose activist jurists. Durbin stands on the floor of the Senate and basically compares our troops to war criminals from the past. Kennedy and Byrd attack anything and everything the president says or does.

There’s a difference between have a differing opinions, and going on the attack. Sen. Schumer was overheard on a cellphone telling a friend that the Democrats were "going to war" over the judicial nominees to replace Justice O’Connor, and cover the impending retirement of Chief Justice Rehnquist. Going to war? Is this the rhetoric that the Democrats think attract their voters to them? It will if you’re the kind of loon that Howard Dean and Michael Moore are. But not if you’re a mom-and-pop FDR/JFK/Reagan Democrat that are sitting back and wondering what happened to your party. Here’s a hint for you...It’s called the sixties.

It was a tough question. But Nelson and Obama tried to answer it.

"The Democrats at times have lost their way," conceded Obama. "We are trying to decide what our core values are."

"Trying to decide what our core values are?" How pathetic can they be. Core values are something that the party carries with it. The GOP has core values of lower taxes, less government, and a strong national defense. See, that wasn’t so hard. But Obama and the Democrats are still trying to locate their values. They used to have them, a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, and for the most part the only thing that they seem to stand for—right now—is abortion.

Yes, I can say that because that’s what I keep hearing from them when it comes to the judicial nominees. They want a judge that will uphold Roe. That’s all they care about. Oh, and Harry Reid wants more activist judges. But to them, right now, Roe is their sacrament that they can’t lose. If they allow originalist jurists to the high court, one day the issue of abortion may, again, be appealed to them. And if they decide to revisit Roe, it may end up being overturned. The Democrats can’t afford that. They have been abortion’s greatest champion, and even though the act won’t be outlawed wholly, it will be in the majority of the states.

But if you’re a political party, especially one as long-lived as the Democrat party, and you’re still trying to find your core values, you have more problems than you’re letting on, and it won’t take your constituents long to figure that out.
The criterion for judging the party isn't whether it's to the left or right, "but are we true to our core values," he said. Nobody defined core values.

Balance, Nelson answered, is necessary for government to work. His example: "I call 'em as I see 'em. When I disagree with the president, I vote against him. When I agree with the president, I vote with him."

Obama gave another example: "I was opposed to the war [in Iraq] when it was launched. But once we're in, we have an obligation to make it work, to honor those who lost their lives and bring a semblance of democracy to the region."

Obama seems to be one of only a handful of Democrats that get the idea that when troops are in harm’s way for the protection of this nation that you give them all the support they need, all the euipment they need, and that you take care of them when they come home.

Both politicians pushed emotional buttons close to voters' hearts.

Obama weighed in on health-care costs -- "We're all getting hurt" -- and the out-sourcing of American jobs. The biggest challenge in the United States, he said, is how to make sure workers can support families in a global economy.

"We're seeing manufacturing jobs leave [America]," Obama said. "We're losing those jobs and ending up at fast-food restaurants with no benefits. Oh, yes, and gas prices are going up."

And here’s where Obama was supposed to show his smarts. He failed. First of all, America has been outsourcing jobs for years. This is not a new concept. What has become a new concept is the laziness and complacency of the American people, in general. And, Sen. Obama, I’d like to figure out how I can make it in the American economy. Screw your global economy ideas. I’m not buying anything directly from any country. I go down to my local Wal-Mart and buy goods, and I do my best to buy American.

And to combat the "outsourcing" of jobs, here’s an idea for Americans who say they can’t make it on a Mickey-D’s salary. Get a student loan, and go back to school. The higher-skilled jobs aren’t being exported. Phone jobs are. Manufacturing jobs are. Lower skilled jobs are leaving, and heading abroad to a low-level work force that corporations don’t have to pay exorbitant amounts of money to. GM isn’t going to pay a worker to stand on an assembly line that pushes a button all day $75,000 because the union says so. Bye-bye union. Bye-bye America. Hello Mexico. "Here you go, Juan; $2.50 an hour, and make sure you don’t stop pushing that button."

And I am so glad that Obama is around to let us know that the price of gas has gone up. I wouldn’t have been able to tell that every time I go to the pump. And we wouldn’t have to pay that outrageous price if you idiots would let the president drill ANWaR. We’re not going to hurt the environment, or any of the wildlife. Alaska wants us to do this for the jobs that it will create, thereby generating more money for the state’s coffers. (This guy is supposed to be smart? A rising star in the party? Give me a break.)

The audience responded with hefty applause.

To a litany of social ills, Nelson responded more than once, "I have and will continue to fight for the least of those among us."

The answers were what the predominantly black audience wanted to hear. But it was the men themselves people came to see.

Clara Russell of Windermere heard Obama's convention speech on TV last year.

"That's why I'm here," she said. "I'm a fan."

Bob and Irene Stevens of Oviedo said they came to support Nelson.

"And we wouldn't want to miss seeing Obama . . . he's such an inspiring speaker," said Irene Stevens. "I have great hopes for his future."

"An inspiring speaker?" OK, this is obviously a group of sheeple being fed the Kool-Aid. I’m no genius, but I would’ve made mince-meat out of Nelson and Obama. It wouldn’t have been pretty. The Democrats have a problem with core values? How about values, in general? OK, better yet, let’s start with class. They have none. No class, no scruples, no conscience. They are a party that’s lost, and quickly spinning down the drain. And there’s no hope in sight.

Howard Dean has embarrassed his party since he stepped in as the new DNC chair, and those in the Congress have continued to drag the party down with them every time they open their mouths and spew their hateful rhetoric. Or they attempt to placate their constituents by reminding them that they’re in charge in DC, and they need not be reminded of things going on. I disagree with people like Kennedy, and Boxer, and Pelosi that have made comments alluding to such.

You’re the elected representatives of your respective states, but you don’t just represent your home state. You represent America. WE, the people, are who you ultimately answer to. The people in your state may pull the lever, but we’re the ones who level the scrutiny, and bring to your constituents’ attention your misdeeds. A lot of the "old guard" Democrats are up for reelection next year, and I think it’s time to purge the party. Let’s get some new blood there. The same goes for the GOP. Time for it to rid it’s ranks of those that choose the role of a moderate than that of a conservative.

Publius II


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