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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Enough Is Enough: Get These PC Buffoons Away From OUR Memorials
I nearly went through the roof this morning when I saw the following story on Captain’s Quarters. Not only do these people have no clue when it comes to designing and building memorials in honor of the events of 9/11, they are going out of their way to be so PC that it is sickening.

(Capt. Ed Morrissey has a photo of what it will look like on his site. Follow the link below.)

WASHINGTON -- It will serve as a living tribute. With each wind, each breeze, a set of chimes housed in a 93-foot tower will create a different song in memory of the 40 people who sacrificed their lives trying to save the lives of others.

Four years after United Airlines Flight 93 crashed into a reclaimed strip mine near Shanksville, Somerset County, on Sept. 11, 2001, the design that will serve as the national memorial was unveiled here yesterday in the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Hall of Flags.

And I would fire the idiot that decided that this design was the right design. This memorial takes political correctness way too far. The Left has had their fun with this Karl Marx-driven piece of social engineering, but I have a news flash for them: When this gets out, and many people see this, they are going to be ticked.

"Crescent of Embrace" will feature a Tower of Voices, containing 40 wind chimes -- one for each passenger and crew member who died -- and two stands of red maple trees that will line a walkway caressing the natural bowl shape of the land. Forty separate groves of red and sugar maples will be planted behind the crescent, and a black slate wall will mark the edge of the crash site, where the remains of those who died now rest.

As the black cloak that had hidden the winner was removed, a collective gasp came from those gathered, who then rose to their feet to applaud.

Yes, yes. Like another hack artist that creates his piece de resistance which is really nothing more than ugly and gawdy, these people that were gathered there obviously do not get the simple fact that the artists decided to use the holy symbol of the religion the hijackers belonged to, and they did so prominently. I, personally, take this memorial idea as an insult.

In the front row, three family members --a woman who lost her mother, a woman who lost her husband and a woman who lost her brother -- leaned into each other, in a show of love and support.

Well now, is that not special. Who cares? I can guarantee that when America sees this that they will be as outraged as they were for the 9/11 Memorial at Ground Zero, which is anything but supportive of our efforts to eradicate our enemy, and twists the story of that fateful day. I have seen posts on other websites, including Michelle Malkin’s, that the 9/11 Ground Zero memorial does more to blame us for the attacks that day than to blame the animals that hit us.

"It's powerful but understated," said Kiki Homer, whose brother, LeRoy W. Homer Jr., was co-pilot on the plane that crashed after passengers rebelled against terrorist hijackers. "It's beautifully simple.
"My breath is taken away."

So is mine because I would like to throw up.

Esther Heymann, whose daughter, Elizabeth Wainio, died in the crash, agreed.

"The understatement speaks to the profoundness of what occurred here," she said.

Yes, folks, even she does not know what the hell she just said. As a matter of fact, I am sure that if you asked her, you would get another "nuanced" answer like that, and she might even be a bit miffed if you asked her to clarify that answer.

According to jurors who chose the winner, it offers "tranquility, beauty and silence. It will be a place for everyone who visits to feel the spirits of the 40 heroes in the whisper of the trees and honor their unselfish sacrifice of their lives to preserve the lives of countless many."

And then we can link our arms with our Muslim brothers and sing Kumbayah...Now, I know I want to be sick. I do not want peace and tranquility. I want to never forget that day. And the artists who designed it don not address that. They want us to wrap our enemies in a big hug, and ignore the fact that that enemy still is going to stick a knife in our back. Maybe we can make a trade with our enemy. We will send them these wacky artists and the terrorists promise to kill them first.

The winning designers, Paul and Milena Murdoch of Los Angeles, called being selected "an incredible honor."

Of course! Wacky moonbats from the Left coast that are probably antiwar, anti-Republican, and anti-Bush. Easiest way to stick it to the nation is to make a memorial that seems to honor our enemy more than those who gave their lives.

"There's a huge emotional investment," said Paul Murdoch, 48, his voice choking.

Yes, with all artists there is always an emotional investment. As a writer I put a lot of what I am feeling into my writing. However, I do not go on emotion alone. To do so without reasoned judgment is simply foolish. To me, this memorial seems to do precisely that. It is solely based on the emotions of the artists, and the fact that they are obviously against our efforts to make sure another 9/11 does not happen again. Now, because this is a free country, and they have their right to their opinion, I will respect them for it. But...I do not like seeing this and being told I have to accept it. I do not. I consider it an affront.

After months of excitement surrounding the design competition, which drew more than 1,000 entries, the project will now move into intense fund-raising and logistical work. No cost estimate or timetable has been set for construction of the memorial, but it will take years.

Hopefully it takes so long I will be long dead, buried, and forgotten. I cannot stomach having that...thing in my country honoring my enemy rather than those who died that day.
For the Murdochs, their design evolved all at once, they said, and nothing in it is more important than anything else.

The idea of the Crescent of Embrace, Murdoch said, is to be a gesture of healing and bonding. The crescent marks the edge of the land, which will remain largely untouched.

The healing will come when my enemy is eradicated and unable to do my nation any further harm. And I do not need to bond with these people. These would be the same people that for whatever lame, tired reasons refuse to call on their "brothers in arms" to end this war, and surrender. They are the ones who cry out "victim" when they do not like how they are told to live in society. (Has anyone seen the case in Florida where the idiot woman is suing to keep her face covered on her driver’s license. She has lost again, and the first accusation tossed out was we, as a society, were being unfair and intolerant of her religion. Not true, however in this nation, a majority of the states demand a photo on the license, and that includes her, and she is to be uncovered. Do not like it? I suggest you head back to your homeland.)

"It's simple and yet it's complex," said Dorothy Garcia, whose husband, Andy, died in the crash. "The void that's there speaks so loudly to the heroism of these 40 souls."

It is not the void that speaks loudly, but the souls themselves when they look down to see this symbol—the symbol our enemy uses to mark its faith—is the central piece to it, and they get windchimes. These people gave their lives to prevent the deaths of thousands more. Speculation will always run rampant over where the plane was headed, but one this is for sure and that is these people were not willing to let the terrorists accomplish that goal. They fought back.

One of the important attributes of the winning design, Murdoch said, is that it allows the memorial to continually grow and change. The maple trees that create the crescent will be planted at just 15 or 20 feet tall. They won't reach maturity for 40 or 50 years.

"It will be open and evolving as long as it's there," he said. "Our memorial is not about offering explanation for what happened, but to allow people to come to terms with it."

People can come to terms with this without having the symbol of our enemy thrown in our face. A nice pedestal or obelisk in the middle of the field, with the names of the victim, and a brief synopsis of that fateful day would have sufficed. Hell, I probably would have included the wind chimes. But there is no way I would have allowed the idea of the Crescent of Islam to be present in this memorial. It is not about the animals. It is about those 40 or so brave souls that gave their all.

The idea for the wind chimes, Murdoch said, came from the fact that for many of the families, the last memory they have of their loved ones is hearing their voices on cell phones just minutes before the plane crashed.

Cute. But, I have yet to hear a cell-phone that sounds like a wind chime. Most of them are just plain irritating, including my own.

Carole O'Hare, whose mother, Hilda Marcin, died in the crash, served on the Stage I jury, which narrowed the field of entries to five finalists. Though she loved the idea of the wind chimes, she worried others may not.

"Sometimes wind chimes can give off an eerie sound -- especially in an open field," she said. "To me, it sends a message of life -- the noise, the sound."

What, did we not have a single common-sense thinking person on the judge’s board? It sure sounds like it from these people.

The tower to house the chimes, Murdoch said, should be seen as a heroic form that will be the first and last experience visitors have as they enter and leave the park.

I do not know about that. I thought they might be struck by the large, red Crescent of Islam that seems to stand out in this thing so prominently.

The Murdochs wanted to ensure the tranquility and serenity of the landscape. They also noted, though, the rawness of the site. There is constant wind, and in the winter, blinding snows are common.

"The first impulse was using some type of the land form," Murdoch said. "We always wanted to use that to [our] advantage, instead of trying to fight it."

There you have it. He wants to make sure everyone sees this, even in the dead of winter. He does not like to "fight" the weather, or others that most assuredly will raise a stink about this. I am not alone. Michelle Malkin and Capt. Ed Morrissey have also exhibited some outrage over this.

From the beginning, said Milena Murdoch, 46, the focus for them was on the crash site, which many refer to as sacred ground.

It is hallowed ground, you twit, and in my opinion you are defiling it by including the crescent.

She talks wistfully of a grove of hemlock trees behind the ground that withstood the impact of the crash.

"There was something unexplained about that place," Paul Murdoch added. "It's like being in a cathedral."

I question is she has ever been to a real cathedral. Hemlock trees untouched by the crash? Please lady, hemlock is poisonous. So why would we care they were left untouched? Does "Mother Earth" have a special place for hemlock trees in her heart? Give me a break.

They will use the hemlocks, bordered with a slanting stone wall, to allow visitors to get close to the sacred ground.

When the winner was revealed, Esther Heymann said she felt a mix of emotions.

"I felt sad because I miss my child. This makes it more and more real that I'll never get her back," she said. "Then I felt great because we've accomplished this major thing -- a place to go to honor these people."

Her husband, Ben Wainio, agreed.

"It makes it feel like the last four years meant something."

So now, all of sudden, their deaths mean something? Because they have a frigging memorial that seems to honor our enemies more than those that opted not to sit idly by and be victims. Those people knew they were going to die. They knew if they stormed the cockpit, based on what they had been told over their cell-phones, that they may be able to retake the plane. At the very least, they were going to spoil the terrorists day because the animals were not going to make it to their destination.

This memorial is a farce. And those that have designed it have obviously not taken into account that 9/11 was a day where our enemy came over here, and killed nearly three thousand people...all in the name of their god and religion; which is symbolized prominently in this memorial. These people have no clue and no class. Further, they have even less talent. I think this thing is a farce. It had better not be made with taxpayer money, and if they are looking for donations, they are out of luck. I will contribute nothing to this memorial, and I encourage others to do the same, and send a clear message to the PC crowd in America. WE do not need such a gawdy piece of art to remind us of the souls we lost on 9/11. I do not think I could forget that day even if I tried.

We do not think like you do. We never have, and we never will. And...you will never get your way in this country as long as you cling to the socialism of the past, and try to drag it into this nation’s future.

The Bunny ;)

ADDENDUM: Michelle Malkin has posted up the Murdochs "mission statement" from their site. It is cited below, and reminds me so much of the PC Left in this nation it really does make me gag.

“A primary task of this generation is to create new patterns of development that sustain human habitation on this planet. Towards this end, the principles adopted for our practice are intended to ensure that each project contributes to an overall goal of environmental responsibility while striving for design excellence.

As architects, we are uniquely qualified to help formulate and translate policy into tangible form; mitigating pressures of urbanity with the need to heal the natural environment. Each design solution is seen as a contribution to the human condition; as it exists today and evolves into future generations.

Our goal is to define and study problems both in terms of clients’ direct needs and relative to long term effects on natural and man made surroundings. More than problem solving however, we aspire to emotionally affect and uplift our lives through poetry and beauty.

What a load of crap. Go back to your trees and hug them a bit more, and let the rough men in this world deal with the animals that these two morons would rather embrace and understand than remove from this planet.

It is through these transcendent qualities that we optimistically strive for ways to enrich life and fulfill our original purpose for engaging in the practice of architecture.”


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