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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

No Indictment? No Duh...

Today was supposed to have been historic. Chris Matthews was giddy with anticipation. Joe Wilson was licking his chops. And the rest of the collective Left were getting ready to break open the bubbly. Needless to say, right now, their jaws are all sitting on the ground. There are howls from the Left of unfair play. I’m sure that Chris Matthews has already called Patrick Fitzgerald and asked him what he was thinking.

See, this is all about Valerie Plame. Worse, for them, it’s all about politics.

They were all waiting for an indictment to be handed down for Karl Rove, or have Vice President Cheney forced to resign in disgrace, or to see "Scooter" Libby frog-marched out of the White House. All over a woman who the MSM has spun into something that she wasn’t.

This is all about who leaked Valerie Plame’s name to the world; a supposed cover blown when it was revealed. The problem is she wasn’t a NOC, not did she have a covert status when her name was spilled. Further, no one in the administration blew her non-cover cover. No, her husband did that a while ago. Robert Novak, columnist extraordinaire, revealed her name to the world at large while covering the yellow-cake uranium story when he included the fact that her husband, Joe Wilson, had been sent to Niger to investigate the claim. Plame sent her husband there, without CIA approval or knowledge, and he came back stating that he had found nothing. He stated that to the press. He stated different to Congress when he returned.

Somehow, Karl Rove got involved in this, due to Wilson pointing the finger in that direction, and it has taken on a life of it’s own. Much of that has occurred at the hands of the MSM which is out to grind their ax against the president’s skull. They can’t stand him. They hate him. They abhor him, his ideology, his religion, and most of all his petty, little war. Their words, not mine. I get the war. The Left never does.

But this goes back to Joe Wilson, a proven liar, and his petulant wife, who thinks that she’s more than what she is. I’m not downplaying the CIA analysts, but that’s all she was. She was not an operative, and had been in the US for five years; five years removed from her last foreign service and because of that, her "covert" or "NOC" status was expired. She had no cover to blow.

In addition, many people have stated that she and her husband didn’t exactly keep her identity on the QT. Friends of theirs in Washington, DC knew about her, her job, and what she did for the CIA. A couple even stated that she bragged about bypassing the CIA directors when she sent her husband to Niger. Neither one of these two are the sort of people I’d trust with anything, especially a secret. But when this all went down over the yellow cake uranium claim, Wilson decided it was time to really try to hurt the president. He didn’t just do this to hurt Pres. Bush, though. He went after the key people around him in Vice President Cheney and the president’s close confidant, Karl Rove.

In a roundabout way, he was trying to decapitate the government. His bitterness with the administration culminated in pointing the finger at Karl Rove, and stating publicly that he wanted to see Karl Rove frog-marched out of the White House in handcuffs. Since then, the Left has pulled it’s knives out, and went after the administration. This all proves that the Left is a poor loser. They don’t like the fact that they’ve been beaten at the ballot box, time and again, by Republicans, that they’ve been losing power steadily for over ten years, and when they can’t win, they cheat.

The old adage goes that sometimes the charge levied is worse than the outcome. In DC, just the idea that someone may have been guilty of committing a crime is enough to end a career. The problem is that it doesn’t work on conservatives. Can we recall all the charges shouted out by those on the Left at this administration? Sit back, and think real hard. How many have their been, and how many have been proven true. To my knowledge, none of them have been proven. They eventually fade away, and become the nutty talking points of moonbats.

What’s even funnier is that the Left is saying "OK, there’s no indictment, but where’s your report." Um, guys, that expired awhile ago. Mr. Fitzgerald isn’t required to issue a report, nor can he. Well, he can’t unless he gains the approval of the court to do so. I doubt the court will allow such a thing. Court aren’t often in the business of allowing information to be released from grand jury testimony. Anyone remember how ticked federal prosecutors were when the BALCO testimony was leaked? I do. The prosecutor was looking to file charges on the person with the loose lips.
There’s no indictment. There’s no report. Karl Rove will be cleared of any wrongdoing, as will Vice President Cheney and "Scooter" Libby. They committed no crime. All in all, it was a good day, unless you’re part of the port-side of the ideological spectrum. Then, it wasn’t so good. And tomorrow ain’t looking much better because EVERYONE in the administration still has their job, and their still in place.

Somedays, it just doesn’t pay to get out of bed if you’re on the Left.

Publius II


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another good blog. The Texas Court issuing an arrest warrant for Tom Delay and hurricane Thelma preventing news of any indictments. I would like to see indictments of Joe Wilson, Valarie Plume and the reporter but then that would be getting to close to the Clinton's...Rawriter

10:27 PM  

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