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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Zogby And Why Polls Cannot Be Believed

This issue irritates me greatly. Today, as reported by Hugh Hewitt, Zogby literllay blew his foot off by reporting that "An overwhelming majority of 72% of American troops serving in Iraq think the U.S. should exit the country within the next year, and nearly one in four say the troops should leave immediately, a new Le Moyne College/Zogby International survey shows."

First of all, I have no doubt that our troops want to come home. I also have no doubts that our troops are pretty much "antiwar;" do not take that out of context, or jump to conclusions. I know of no soldier who relishes going to war. They are not "bloodthirsty" nor are they "warmongers." They go where they are sent, and do the job that is tasked to them.

My brother joined the Army after 9/11, believing that it was his calling to go off and defend this nation. He wore no rose-colored glasses, and knew precisely what he was in for. War, as he often said, is a dirty job, and rough men must be ready to do their jobs. When he returned home last year on leave, I will admit that I did not want him to return to the field of battle. I wanted him here, safe and sound. He gently kissed me on the forehead and told me that he had a job to do, and that it would not be fair to ask someone else to stand in his stead. Yes, I get it. He wanted to go back. But it was not because he longed for battle.

It was because he saw that he had a job that had to be completed. The mission was not done.

And I also have read so much about soldiers that have returned home, wounded in Iraq or Afghanistan, and they want to go back. Why? I ask that question of Zogby because it is relevant. Were his statistics correct, most of those men and women would do everything in their power to stay here in America. But they are not doing that. They are biting at the bit to get back.

And that is par for the course with many of the soldiers that are interviewed on talk radio. Laura Ingraham just returned from a week in Iraq, speaking candidly about their service and the successes in Iraq. These were people who understand what was asked of them. The time away from family and friends, the sacrifice that may be asked of them, and the fact that they believe in the mission. Again, I doubt the validity of the Zogby poll. In addition to that, there is this from Hugh Hewitt:

This finding is so fundamentally at odds with almost everything I have heard from milbloggers, returning troops and visitors to Iraq --including Victor Davis Hanson who just returned last week from a vsit to many of the bases around the country-- that I dug into the small print, and then went to find expert analysis from places like The Mystery Pollster and The Democracy Project.

Bottom line: John Zogby took ant-war activist dollars, mixed in some secret questions and methodologies, and asks the American public to trust him.
Before you do, recall his performance on Election Day, 2004.

My producer reached Zogby on his cell phone to request an on-air interview. Zogby hung up on him.

He did not wish to go on the air, and defend this poll. Further, at the beginning of Hugh's show, he stated that Zogby cited security reasons when questions were raised about where these soldiers were in Iraq. To say the least, this poll sounds more and more like partisan politics, and they are being played with our troops.

That just adds to my outrage.

And it shows how low of a snake Zogby really is. Our troops were sent into harm's way to disarm a dictator who was building up his WMD Programs, and would have threatened the region. The Left refuses to sit down and look at the evidence that justified our invasion and removal of Saddam Hussein. And to push their point further than it ever has been, they are now utilizing a pollster--dubious in nature, at best--to put up the idea that our troops want out now, and that they no longer believe in the mission.

The evidence that is available shows that the do still believe in the mission, and that they are not leaving until the mission is completed. For shame, Mr. Zogby, as you have now delved thoroughly into the partisan politics game, and tainted yourself nearly as bad as CBS did in Memogate.

Bunny ;)


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