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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

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Thursday, May 04, 2006

A Quickie On The Kavanaugh Delay

I've been working on the links most of the day, and I've been trying to keep an eye on the news. Now that I'm home, I can touch on the one that's got me steamed. Hugh Hewitt, and the gang at Confirm Them have the round up and details.

Really Quick, Senator Specter agreed to yet another delay on sending Brett Kavanaugh to the floor of the Senate. Hugh compares him to British General Montgomery under Ike in World War II. I disagree. He reminds me more of McClellan, who simply refused to engage, and made up extra obstacles in his path. Like that, Specter continues to find excuse after excuse in an attempt to appease his colleagues on the Judiciary Committee. While I have much praise for Specter when it came to getting Roberts and Alito through the committee quickly, I have to chastise him for screwing around with the remaining judges awaiting their due hearings and votes.

Enough is enough. Call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121, and send the message to Senator Specter to knock these games off, and move forward on the president's nominees.

Publius II


Ah, now that the disaster in the garage has been taken care of, I can jump back into this. From Confirm Them is the link to this AP story regarding Senator Specter's delay.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter on Thursday granted Democrats a hearing to question White House aide and judicial nominee Brett Kavanaugh on his role in the administration's secret wiretapping program, its torture policy and any relationship with convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

The move put off, for now, a repeat of last year's parliamentary showdown over President Bush's nominees.

"I don't want to place the Senate in the position we were in a year ago at this time," Specter, R-Pa., said.
Democrats lauded the decision.

"It's the least that can be done for the nominee to the second highest court in the land and a controversial nominee," said Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. "There are a lot of things that have happened since the last hearing, in the administration of which he is a part."

Um, the connection to any of these through Brett Kavanaugh--if they are fact--is insignificant. Especially the Abramoff accusation. This is simply more pandering to the portside of the aisle, and the Democrats keep playing games. They're very afraid of Kavanaugh heading to the DC Court of Appeals. It puts him one step closer to possibly being a nominee for the Supreme Court. (Though, after this go-round with the committee, I doubt he's going to be anxious to accept another nomination from President Bush. He's only languished in committee Hell since 2003.)

Specter said he made the decision in part because of a letter this week from the seven Democrats of the so-called "Gang of 14" that mediated the standoff last year. In the letter, the seven requested that Kavanaugh be called for another hearing. Several Democrats speaking on background Wednesday said a hearing might elicit answers from Kavanaugh that would avert a filibuster.

Specter also presented recommendations for Kavanaugh by two judges for whom he had clerked. Judge Edward R. Becker of the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals said Kavanaugh "was not ideologically driven" during his clerkship. Becker's colleague, Judge Walter Stapleton, described Kavanaugh as "brilliant, an adjective I rarely use."

ROFL! Did you catch that? They're making a filibuster threat over Kavanaugh! And Specter, like the dolt he is, fell for it. "Oh, we have to give in or they'll throw a tantrum." Give me a break. Senator Specter, LET THEM FILIBUSTER! It would be a gift on a silver platter if they did. Making a filibuster over a nominee that is highly qualified, has glowing praise from the judges he worked for before, and has a spotless record would only enhance the cruching blow of the Constitutional Option if the Democrats decided to pull a filibuster stunt.

Publius II (Updated 4:33 p.m. AZ Time)


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