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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Thursdays Belong To Hugh

Let me preface this:

Thursday is the one day out of the week that Thomas and I are home early enough to catch Hugh Hewitt's radio show in its entirety. On the Internet, he comes on at 3 p.m. Arizona Time. But his broadcast on 960 AM "The Patriot" does not come on until 6 p.m. Arizona Time. We lose the live broadcast interaction on the site. The rest of the time, we are stuck playing "catch-up" with the news only.

Thursdays are the day we devote to Hugh's show and his guests, especially "Indomitable" Mark Steyn and the "Irreverant" James Lileks. Not only will they make you laugh, but their interesting view of the political landscape will make you laugh.

Now, today was special, at least for me. I listen to Michael Medved's show in the afternoon because I like him. Thomas opts out of any radio during this time, and focuses on the site. (Our readers should note that the 101st Link List to the left of the page is growing.) But the treat for me today was that he spoke with Hugh Hewitt. Both at at the conference in Washington, DC today.

Medved wanted to bring up a couple of things for him, including the one that was focused on the most, which was immigration reform. They emphasized quite clearly where they stand, and the fact that much of America knows there is a problem with immigration. Many of those people want the problem dealt with, but the squabbling over this is not among America, or even the GOP base.

The squabbling is amongst the children in Congress. Regardless of their ideas, they are not fully addressing this issue. One of the people I defer to on a topic like this would be Thomas. He has investigated the problem, researched it, and has proposed a simple plan to handle it. And he is in favor of what both Medved and Hugh are pushing, and that the House Bill includes.

Before any sort of normalization occurs, a fence is needed. A wall, a fence, some sort of stucture on the southern border, and even the northern border, to bring the illegal immigration problem under control. This is a dire necessity for national security purposes. But the illegal immigration problem does not only affect that. It affects our economic security as well.

Medved and Hugh agreed that there needs to be serious reform, and that the GOP is taking steps, but because of the democrats in Congress, they are being blocked again, and again. Many Democrats do not want the fence built for a variety of reasons. The use the same talking points that Vincente Fox has used in an attempt to dissuade the nation from the course it must take. People will tunnel under it, go over it, and possibly even sabotage it while it is being built, or after it is built.

Like always, they will never learn. Which was another point that Medved brought up when it came to the victory of Ken Blackwell in Ohio. Hugh brought up a valid point made by Michael Barone.

The Left has done a good job of scaring the base into submission. They keep up the facade they have had since 1994 that the GOP's gains are insignificant. Except that they keep losing. Hugh points out that the GOP is right to be worried--that it is a "pull the fire alarm" moment--but that there is hope. And he points to Ken Blackwell, Lynn Swann, and Michael Steele. All three men are highly intelligent, more than qualified, and extremely dangerous to the Democrats. This is why all the stops will be pulled out to go after them. Michael Steele has already been attacked (the "Sambo" comment was about as smart as Dan Rather peddling phony documents), and the invasion of his privacy (via the Schumer staffers digging into his credit report); it goes to show the lengths with which the Democrats are comfortable embracing. And it's all for the cause of regaining their power.

Medved also brought this story to his attention:

The New York Times reports today that it's been told by "two people familiar with the project" that former CIA officer Valerie Plame is "shopping a book deal among a small group of publishers."

All right ... Is anyone really surprised about this? This seems to go right in line with what we know about this woman already. She was not outed by the administration. She was outed by herself and her husband, Joe Wilson. Her lifestyle, her boasts to friends, her attitude blew her cover (and that would be the non-existent cover she believed she had). Give me a break.

Medved also brought up the Moussaoui sentencing. Hugh stated precisely what we agree with here at the Asylum, and posted on yesterday. (It is a rarity that all three of us will comment on the same subject on the same day. Usually if one of us comments on a subject, the others will not.) He stated that in the GWOT, people caught as enemy combatants, which Moussaoui should have been considered, should not be put through the criminal justice system. America cannot be counted on to understand our enemy, and their "crimes" cannot be defined by our criminal justice system. Moussaoui should have been tried in a military tribunal, end of story.

And, of course, Hugh talked about his book. Not that it is a bad thing. It is new, and he must generate attention for it, as any author must. But I enjoy listening to his analysis. While those barking moonbats on the Left may dislike him, and claim he has little or no knowledge of what he is talking about, Hugh is an outstanding analyst. He has looked at the chessboard, seen the gambit the Democrats are using, and is systematically combatting them.

The Left is comprised of people who are anti-military, anti-American, and would prefer that the public just simply sit down and shut up. But we have seen how they run a country. It is not good, and after eight years of Bill Clinton we had a lot to clean up; including the 3000 dead civilians thanks to his refusal to act against our enemies. These people cannot be allowed back in power. Their party is sick, and it needs help. The problem is that when the help arrives (in the form of leaders like Joe Lieberman and Zell Miller) they attack it.

Medved broke into the conversation with a note handed to him about a CNN report. CNN was reporting (Wolf Blitzer in his more serious tone, and shifting empty paper in his hands) that Representative Patrick Kennedy collided with a police barricade last night. His headlights were off. Medved remindedhis audience that he had interviewed him. His opinion of Kennedy? He is the dimmest bulb in that family's box. (Like this is a news flash?) It was amusing, and one that ended the interview/conversation.

Now, we just have one hour to go before Hugh's regular show.

The Bunny ;)


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