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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Shameless; Classless: The Face Of The Left

I'll make this brief. It's not that I just barely caught this story. I just came up with a response to it. Look, for those that don't blog, you don't quite understand it. For those that do blog, this is something that regularly occurs, as this e-mail (editted, per our rules here) displays for us:

Pubic-cus, you got an awful lot of b**ls blaming the Gomers woes on us poor Democrats. We're not the a**holes that bankrupted a country and enjoy killing f**king towelheads. That Chimpys problem. He got us there. Why dont you and the rest of you blowjob bloggers go find something beter to do than to p**s all over my parade. I enjoy waching you Bushies f**k up the country. Then when a reel man steps in you guys will look worser than before. F**k all you neocon f**ks.

Brian, Dallas

Sad that someone that retarded from Texas could send such an inept reply to an immigration post, huh? BTW, the e-mail was editted for swear words but not grammar and spelling. You make the decision ...

Anyway, Michelle Malkin is no stranger to criticism (and Lord knows she's had her share of it--both honest and unhinged). But today is just one more example of what happens when someone on our side really ticks off the Left:

operative: she has internet videos?
operative: does she do the thing with the ping-pong balls?

The Wonkette @$$hole is one Alex Pareene and he's known for such garbage. He's a twenty-something know-nothing dropout that can only show his real nature by descending to this level. If their joke is over your head, let's just say it's "adult" in nature. But the tactic isn't unheard of. this is a personal attack, and it's usually launched when those on the Left, or brethren they've spawned has been outargued and outwitted by us on the center-right, and it's a sure sign they were a loser to start with.

An adult would concede defeat, and move on, or at the least table a discussion. The children always seem to go to the basest of insults, and in a completely, totally unwarranted way.

I hope Wonkette has their fun. I hope they got a laugh out of it. I hope they laughed so hard they choked on their own ping-pong balls (jealousy, to be sure). They got a rise out of us because we come to help those that number among our allies. They got their notoriety. But maybe they ought to remember who got their notoriety last out of the blogosphere, and the fact that he's now out of a job; worn out his welcome, so to speak.

Let the posers at Wonkette do what they want. Each time they post garbage like this, they show themselves to be no better than Markos "Screw Them" Zuniga.

Publius II


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