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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Explaining The Left In Simple Terms

The Left: We constantly, consistently, and soundly beat on them day in and day out. Rightly so, as many can attest to this simple fact--they are nuts. And Hugh Hewitt points this out in linking to Ace of Spades and his explanation of why the Left people like Jeff Goldstein, and others like him:

This is, I believe, why lefties get visibly angry or astonished to learn that someone within their social group -- whom they had previously considered a nice, normal, college-educated and upstanding citizen -- may hold conservative views or vote Republican on occasion.

Leftism, and liberalism, and progressivism, and etc-ism. are not merely simple politics for most of these people. Their politics to them are a core part of their identity, and, more importantly, a central support propping up their egos. They are enlightened because they believe these things; someone who does not believe these things, and yet who, superficially at least, appears to be about as smart as they might be, represents a threat to their egos. The foundation upon which a crucial structure of their sense of self-worth is undermined if they discover that there may be people who can pass as normal and intelligent and yet do not believe as they do.

If one is smart, then one believes in progressivism.

If one believes in progressivism, then one is smart.

Those are the two assumptions that prop up their sense of self worth, and they are refuted by examples of smart people who don't believe in progressivism.

And because there is a great deal of personal psychological investment in progressivism, they react intemperately to rejections of it. It's not merely a tax cut that's being debated; it's they're very sense of importance that's being attacked. It's not merely gay marriage which is being argued against; it's their value as human beings that is being uncouthly denigrated.

This tends to make the left more emotional and, well, angry when debating issues. It's all well and good to discuss a purely theoretical issue. But when you have a strong emotional investment in it -- when you have skin in the game, as it were -- it becomes not an academic debate but a heated argument.

Now, while we all get a chuckle about this explanation, we should take heed of this wisdom. ANYONE who has even attempted to debate with these people (Marcie and I included because we do visit chatrooms on occasion to engage these moonbats) it is insufferable. The moment you disagree with these people, and present your views in a reasoned way, we are treated to a frothing, spittle-spewing diatribe about how we aren't intelligent or educated.

I can engage in a legal debate over a whole range of issues regarding the Constitution despite never having attended a single law class. I may not be able to rattle, chapter and verse, or legal cases like professionals can, but in the case of a simple debate--such as the Ninth Amendment's interpretation--I can engage and do so intelligently. We may have differing views, but that is the essence of debate. Presenting my side and their side in an effort to sway others to our respective thoughts is what should be key.

But the Left takes these sorts of debates personally, and now it's understood why. It is literally their basis for self worth. What they believe in makes up all that they are. And whereas they may be comfortable with that, a life filled with only beliefs and no actions is a life half-wasted. Ideas are what they are; they're not tangible until acted on. The Left hasn't acted on anything they believe in because they prefer to fester the problem rather than solve it. They prefer to pay it lip service instead of getting their hands dirty fixing the problems.

I could not understand why conservatives get attacked with so much emotion and vitriol. At first I thought I was witnessing only the unhinged within the extremist moonbat society. Now I see that this is a party-wide reaction, and its attributed to their mindset. This isn't about whether we're right or wrong, but rather how the Left reacts to people who oppose them. It's all mental, and they're definitely showing America that all they have is emotion behind their ideas instead of reasoned judgment.

Publius II


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