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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Not Your Daddy’s War, Senator.

I just posted not too long ago about Durbin, but I knew there was something else itching to come out. Now I know what it is. I’m so angry at him that I needed to literally rant. It won’t be the incomprehensible sort that we’re used to seeing out of the Left. No, I have a point to make in all of this. And I’m not stopping until I’m done.

In your daddy’s war, Senator Durbin, if it were World War I, no mercy was bestowed to our troops caught during the war. Germany abused and tortured it’s prisoners then. They didn’t abide by the civilized rules of warfare, and they used methods that would be considered "beyond the pale" today.

In your daddy’s war, Senator Durbin, if it were World War II, we watched the atrocity grow. Germany not only purposefully indulged in the attempted annihilation of Jews—completely and irrevocably. Hitler ordered the killing—brutal in it’s "glory"—of any espionage agent caught. Anyone who challenged Nazi authority was rounded up and sent to the camps. Japan was equally brutal in it’s treatment of prisoners. Remember the Bataan Death March, Senator? The troops held as POWs in World War II by the Japanese were appalled at how brutal the Japanese military was. The US has always taken care of her prisoners with care.

To the Japanese, a prisoner might as well wish for death, rather than prolonged incarceration by them. And remember that many of the "techniques" utilized by the Japanese were similar to those used by the North Koreans in the Korean War, and the North Vietnamese in the Vietnam War. The NVA only improved on the ability to inflict pain and psychological torture. The advancements of science at it’s best for the NVA was pure hell for our POWs.

In your daddy’s war, Senator Durbin, if it were Vietnam (like it was for my father), we dealt with an enemy that took the basics of terrorism and made it a logistically and strategically advantageous effort. For a time, we were off-balance, and long out of the practice of "guerilla" warfare. It didn’t take us long to adapt, but the tales from returning POWs was horrifying; the extent that many of them endured, it’s no wonder how so many of them today remain "lost" to us forever—ever tortured by their memories.

In this war, Senator Durbin, we have to have effective tactics. The tactics we use now have been adapted to ensure the best possibility of safety and regard for our troops. When we catch someone on the side of the enemy, the utmost care is taken. Look at what these people receive upon arriving to Gitmo: A Koran, a prayer rug, and a cap they wear when praying. Their meals, for the most part, abide by their religious convictions. We even have little foot washing sinks in the floor for them. For them, Gitmo sounds more like Club Med than a gulag or a torture camp. It definitely beats how they’re living now, in the heat with little or no food, little water, and constantly hunted by our forces. These people wouldn't afford us the same "luxuries" that we do. They'd just lop our heads off, and be done with us. (And I might add that tactic was used regularly by the Japanese military during the Pacific campaigns of World War II. It's not an uncommon tactic by enemies of this nation.) Yep. Give me Gitmo.

Senator Durbin, by making the statement you made, you remind people around the country of how utterly idiotic your party has become. The "tactics" you’re using during the war mirror those you used during Vietnam. The media’s been doing this since 11 Sept. They gave Pres. Bush three weeks before resuming their typical attacks after the tragic attack on 11 Sept. You’re not helping matters. The only things that these statements is reinforce to people you’re not a party to be trusted.

And during the last election, it was proven that you can ill-afford to lose more constituents. You can think that the "odd-ball" dozen or so can be afforded. I contend, however that at this rate, they may have problems soon. Let’s do a little math. Let’s say the Democrats keep on track, and manage about three to four stupid comments that turn off their voters a month. Those voters switch parties and refuse to vote for a Democrat again. That means each year, almost every year, the party—with statements like this—turns away 428-566 voters a year. That’s almost 5000 people in tent years. Still wondering why you’re losing your base?
Michael Moore isn’t your base. Neither is Amnesty International. Your base is mom-and-pop America that love their nation, and support their troops. It’s not the extreme Left fringe. Those people are a dime a dozen, and are lucky if they have a dime’s worth of sense in their minds of mush. Comments like Durbin’s make me wonder if there’s "Brain-One" upstairs.

You don’t condemn this nation. You don’t disrespect and disdain the troops. You just don’t do it. Durbin’s pissed a good majority of this nation off. He is the talk of the radio. The bloggers are going nuts. And the MSM is just now coming around. (Better late than never, I guess) This guy needs to go, and go now. We don’t need asses like this in Congress. This man took and oath to stand up for this nation and the Constitution.

He just unzipped his fly and peed on the nation and the men and women that defend her. That sort of behavior is unwelcome in my nation. It’s time to show this idiot the door and send a clear message to everyone else that this sort of behavior won’t be tolerated. And no, this isn’t about freedom of speech. He has the right to be an ass if he wishes, but as the people of this nation we have a grievance, and we demand a redress. I want his ass dressed down by this nation in ways that would make Bob Byrd have a heart attack, would cause John Kerry to faint, and remind Ted Kennedy of the aftermath of Chappaquiddick.

I, and America, DEMAND satisfaction, Senator Durbin. And we’ll only be quenched when you remove yourself from the Senate.

Publius II


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