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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Book Review: The New American Revolution

Tammy Bruce is one of my personal favorites to listen to on the radio. I own both of her first books–The New Thought Police and The Death of Right and Wrong–so I was absolutely ecstatic when Thomas bought her new one. While he burned through Michelle Malkin’s new book UNHINGED, I savored and relished Ms. Bruce’s newest piece de resistance. In one fell swoop, Ms. Bruce delivers a startling message to people across America.

We are winning the culture war. It’s coming in bits and pieces, but we are winning. I highly endorse this book. Get a copy of it if you can, and read it. Not only is it up front, but it has shades of the same sarcastic humor that Thomas and I engage in.

Below are some excerpts from the book.

"That national election was not simply a combination of the changing of our nation, but a continuation of that change in the most personal and individual ways. One by one, person by person, there has been a shift in how Americans view themselves and what we’re willing to put up with."

"We’re tired of cleaning up the world’s messes. We’re tired of waiting for Europe to deal with terrorists and tyrants. We took it upon ourselves to deal with with them in the only way possible–with righteous vengeance and preemptive action."

"The American Left complains that we have no right to be the world’s police force. On the contrary. We’ve been the world’s janitor for almost a century, and after September 11, it became obvious it’s better, safer, and more productive to change things instead of cleaning up after the mess."

Ms. Bruce is quite correct. All too often in the 20th Century, we found ourselves embroiled in fights around the globe that really had nothing to do with us, yet we were affected by them. Both Korea and Vietnam were the "hot wars" of the Cold War; wars to stop the bear rampaging across the globe from winning more precious countries in a massive, global chess game. World War I would not have involved us had Germany not sought an alliance with Mexico against us. And had the Japanese not decided to attack us in World War II, it’s likely we would have maintained a level of neutrality.

On September 11th, again the world’s problems spilled over onto our doorstep. Instead of simply going after those directly involved with the animals that struck us on that day, we went after ALL of the animals, and sent a clear message across the globe: You cannot run. You cannot hide. We will find you, and we will eradicate you and your murderous, barbaric ideology from the face of the planet.

"This is the core of our culture war–a war now being lost by Leftists and Fascists worldwide. They’re losing not only because they’re depraved, but because Americans once again have proven that we will not be brainwashed and bullied into a silent cowardice."

"The New American Revolution is the individual waking up from the cultural and political coma the Left so carefully cooked up. It is the intensely personal realization that if we continue to play the games of the American Leftist extremists, there will be no future for our children."

"The success and strength of this nation also shines a big fat light on the failure and depravity of the Left–the Socialists and Marxists, and unfortunately today’s Democrat party, who rely on victimhood and hopelessness. The American frame of mind is their deadly kryptonite, a light that they would prefer to snuff out."

We should be wise to remember that much of this war was perpetuated by the Left. They started this. Many point back to the times of FDR and state that was where it began. To a point, this is true, but I counter with the fact that the modern-day, spiteful, vitriolic Left did not gain it’s footing until the 1960s. Then, not only did they gain a foothold into the culture, but their political ideology reared its ugly head in full glory. What could not be accomplished with sheer political force would be accomplished through the courts.

But we now see they’re running scared. What can be derived from the Left’s actions during the 2004 election other than blind hatred for our ideology? Look to what was said about the president–what was said about conservatives during that campaign. George Soros was one of the first people out comparing Pres. Bush to Adolf Hitler, and conservatives to Nazi Brownshirts. Rampant lies were told during that election. From the Left young people were told the president would institute a draft, which never occurred, and was never even an idea for him. Chalk that up to Rep. Charles Rangel; it was his bill. We were told by Hollywood know-nothings that rape would become legal if Bush were reelected, that it would be years of darkness and dictatorships, and that abortions would be returned the back-alleys where they were born. The last time I checked, none of these have come to pass.

"In February 2005, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, this man [Eason Jordan], whose Baghdad bureau admittedly looked away from the torture and murder victims so they would benefit, accused the US military of deliberately targeting journalists. First reported by a blogger who taped the forum where the comments were made, the story eventually forced Jordan to resign his post."

"Virtually ignored by the mainstream media (MSM), it was yet again bloggers–once scorned as regular people sitting around in their pajamas–who made sure the story received the attention it was due. They refused to let it be buried. These Media Minutemen (and women!) Offer a perfect example of the New American Revolution having its way with the Old Guard, the Old Rules, while exacting a price for the same old lies."

"And whether they do it in their jammies, three-piece suits, evening gowns, or Casual Friday garb, it’s all a good thing."

And Ms. Bruce would know as she is one of the new managing editors for Pajama Media–the blogger alliance site being constructed by the likes of Glenn Reynolds, Charles Johnson, Micheal Ledeen, and Michelle Malkin. The sooner the Left realizes just how much a force the blogosphere is, the easier it will be for them to finally admit defeat. As Thomas and I have recounted numerous times, bloggers have a number of heads on their proverbial wall. They belong to no one man or woman, but to each of us collectively as we looked at the MSM and stated firmly, "ENOUGH! NO MORE!"

The MSM is slow to learn this lesson; possibly as slow as the dinosaurs realized they were dying. But like the dinosaurs, the MSM will soon be nothing more than fossils; relics from a bnygone day that could not adapt to the modern way of news reporting. Ironically, it is the bloggers who returned to the bygone days, and cultivated many of the big stories they broke. Solid research, witnesses to situations, expert witnesses confirming research, and well-known and trusted contacts–these are the mainstays of today’s blogger, and these were the same things journalists of old used to rely on.

"It’s par for the course for Fascists to turn to violence when they cannot win through peaceful public persuasion. They never have, and never can. Intimidation through violence is a tactic the Left has always eventually resorted to. Why? Because people everywhere naturally reject plans that include human enslavement–both mentally and physically. As the Left finds it cannot win power through legitimate means, the nature of its leadership gravitates automatically to the use of violence and intimidation."

"When Leftists leadership, as we’ve seen in our nation, rallies its foot soldiers with hate and fear, the emergence of Brownshirts is inevitable. We are not yet at the point of Germany’s Kristallnacht courtesy of the Nazis, but we must acknowledge the direction of the Democrat party and its hijacking by malevolent Leftists."

"You see, the Left truly believes that people are evil and need to be controlled for their own good. The projection is obvious, but when you believe you have sole possession of the truth, the end begins to justify the means. Whether it be Russia, Germany, or Italy, intimidation, violence, and terrorism were all used by Leftists and their fascist brethren to gain power."

"Here it is no different. While the episodes I note for you, if taken alone, might seem isolated or ineffective, it’s important to see this in the broader historical context of the use of violence by every Leftist regime in history. Americans have a choice–coerced change by the thuggery offered by the Left, or the sort of revolutionary change at the core of the American spirit–through hope and optimism for the future, recognizing our unique responsibility in the world, as flameholders of freedom and liberty."

And that is the key to this whole book. Ms. Bruce reminds us that it is we–individual Americans–that make change happen. And that last paragraph delivers the point home. Which way will we go? Will we fail to observe the lessons of the past, and let the Left win this war, or will we stand up–as we have always done–and send them to the ash-heap of history with the rest of their brethren from history? Clearly, Ms. Bruce and a whole host of others have made the choice, and in the course of doing so, they have drawn the battle lines.

Personally speaking, Thomas, Sabrina, and I–and close friends we know well–have also made the choice. We stand on the frontlines. The Left is not going to win this war. We will not watch them snuff our freedom and liberty in exchange for totalitarian security. This nation will never live under the boot-heel the Left embraces. This nation will fight them, tooth-and-nail, for every inch of ground. This is Ground Zero for the culture war. Take heart, we are winning.

The Bunny ;)


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