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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Irrelevance: Her Fifteen Minutes Of Fame Are Gone

Yes, I am referring to Mother Sheehan. How these photos got out into the open, no one will ever know. (Follow the link below.) She was back in Crawford, TX to launch Phase Two of her Left-leaning, antic-laden sideshow while the president and his family enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving vacation. (Hat-tip: Hugh Hewitt)

http://www.sweetness-light.com/archive/mother-sheehans-book-signing/ (The pics are here)

Mother Sheehan is finished. She cannot attract the people she used to be able to in Crawford, at the Crawford Peace House. Now whether this is the sheer fact that even those Left-leaning moonbats have the attention span of a nano-second, or they bore easily, it does not really matter for her. She is done.

And though I may take some flak for this, but I am going to say it nonetheless. I feel sorry for her.

Now, do not get me wrong here. I do not like what she did, the accusations she threw out against the president or the administration, or our troops for that matter. However, this woman showed precisely what happens when fame goes to one's head. She willingly accepted any and all help from those on the antiwar Left, and never questioned what would happen when her time came to move on.

They say a picture is worth 1000 words. I wonder what words are going through her mind in these photos. These photos are a stark contrast to the protests she was a part of in DC, and the original one in Crawford. The difference, at least in Crawford now, is that they cannot pitch tents on public land. They are on private land now, and the state troopers cannot do anything to them about where they decide to "squat." That may be another reason why people are not showing up. No one really wants the police hassles. Last week, about two dozen protesters showed up outside Pres. Bush's ranch, and were eventually arrested or dispersed.

One man threatened to bring a lawsuit against the state of Texas over the state troopers doing their job, and enforcing the law. He claims his First Amendment rights were violated. Welcome to the party pal; protesters for years have been curtailed from public places. I wonder if he remembers when the Congress, under Pres. Clinton, passed legislation making it illegal to interfere with someone going into an abortion clinic (interfering was included in that bill as speaking to them), and that anti-abortion protesters had to be at least 100 feet from the building. Do not blame the state of Texas for enacting a city ordinance stating you cannot protest somewhere. The three-ring circus that was brought there the last time was enough for the state to step in.

But back to Mother Sheehan, she truly looks pathetic. In the third photo, she looks like she is about ready to cry. I would love to know hoe she maintained her composure with the photo-journalists snapping away, and she had no one to sign books to. I mean, I really have to feel sorry for her. She lost her son, and she was hurting for it, but then the Left got a hold of her, and twisted her. I can understand a parent asking the president "why did my son or daughter die in this war? What purpose does it serve?" I can understand that because I am sure that is how many families feel with they have lost loved ones abroad.

I do hope that I will never experience that. I know it could happen. My brother is not flipping pancakes in a mess tent, nor is he filing paperwork in some office. He is a United States Army Ranger. His butt is on the line everyday. And one of these days, I might get the phone call from my mother letting me know he was killed. I cannot even begin to imagine such a day. But, for that briefest of moments, I could relate to Mother Sheehan. However, I doubt I would go as certifiably nuts as she did.

I would not be blaming the president for his death.

I would not demean and impugn the honor and integrity of our troops serving in harm's way.

I would not accuse the president of being a terrorist and a war criminal.

That is not me in any way. I understand war all too well. I know that people die, and many times, they are the people we love the most. It happens. There is no rhyme or reason to it. And people like Mother Sheehan can have all the pent-up rage and anger for the president that they want, but it changes nothing. She cannot bring her son back, and lashing out at everyone--friends, family, and strangers alike--is hardly the answer.

Worst of all for Mother Sheehan in these pictures is that I will wager there is one thing running through that nutty little mind of hers.

"Is this what it's like to be used by others?" Yes, Mother Sheehan it is. To the Left you were nothing more than a Kleenex: Soft, absorbant, and disposable. And you have just been tossed in the trash.

The Bunny ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent post. I figured she was mad at the world for no longer paying attention to her. I guess I should feel sorry for her for being used like that, though.

BTW, did you hear the president today? This is the second time he seemed to be slurring his esses... What are your thoughts on this? You can reply in email. Maybe he's getting on in years? Did he have a stroke and we don't know? It's quite noticeable... :(

4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw the pictures and I have no sympathy for her -none-nada. She is a good example of giving birth does not a mother make. She did not raise him. She used him in vile despicable way to further her own selfish ego. She met with the President. Grant you, she is being used by the anti crowd but with her consent. I think she will crop up again and become a news item, for what length of time I do not know. She hates and she must feed that sick hatred. It might be she will go to Syria or another country in the area or maybe to Venezuela to support the communist, Chavez if she can't get the media attention she craves in this country. Rawriter

10:13 PM  

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