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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

More Hilarious Than The Three Stooges...

Well, actually it's kind of sad to see that the Democrat party has nothing to add to this debate. They proved this clearly after the president's phenomenal speech this morning. Below are some of the "greatest hits" of the morning from the Left.

"When 80 percent of the people say we want America to withdraw and when 45 percent of the people in the country we're fighting for believe it's OK to kill Americans to help us get there, the president is not dealing with a certain kind of reality that's important to the lives of our troops." --Sen. John Kerry

"It's all well and good to talk about being there with your troops training on the ground β€” training β€” until we are ready to leave. But that ignores what his own generals have told him." "General Casey has said very clearly that it is the large presence of American forces on the ground that feeds the insurgency and makes it more difficult for the Iraqis to assume responsibility, because they don't have to." --Sen. John Kerry

"What the president did not do today, again, is acknowledge the fundamental reality of the insurgency." --Sen. John Kerry

"Neither of those will be beaten at the face of a gun. They will be beaten through the political resolution, through a solution that has to be achieved politically." --Sen. John Kerry

Yes, the above quotes come directly from Kerry. You can find them all right here in the FOX News piece that was up today: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,177184,00.html

OK, now let me ask just one simple question: Who wanted this fool as the president? He just stated that our enemies couldn't be beaten in combat ("beaten at the face of a gun"), and they have been. This is the reason WHY they're attacking recruits and civilians of Iraq. They're not attacking us because they know they will lose everytime. This is why they hit us with IEDs, various booby traps, and car bombs. Not a smart way to fight a war because they're just going to lose more men while the Left continues to lose credibility in America's eyes.

Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid issued a statement claiming that Bush "recycled his tired rhetoric of 'stay the course' and once again missed an opportunity to lay out a real strategy for success in Iraq that will bring our troops safely home."

The Nevada senator charged that Bush failed to meet a call by the Senate to tell Americans the administration's strategy for success in Iraq.

Yes, Sen. Reid, much like Sen. Kerry, doesn't get it. The strategy of success that these fools keep bringing up is already in effect. We are winning. We have success in Iraq. If they opt to ignore the FACTS, that's their problem. In addition, the plan was laid out by the president extensively in his speech.

"We should follow the lead of Congressman John Murtha, who has put forth a plan to make American safer, to make our military stronger and to make Iraq more stable.That is what the American people and our troops deserve." --Rep. Nancy Pelosi

Sen. John Kerry also fielded a question about the cut and run strategy laid out by the Democrats in recent weeks. He claims his party isn't calling for such a thing. LOL. Allow me to demonstrate a couple of things for Sen. Kerry, and the rest of the Democrats that don't think their party's been calling for a retreat. The excerpt below comes directly from Kerry himself.

What it did on the Democratic side seek to do was set an estimated timetable for success, which will permit the withdrawal of our troops. Everything that we have presented has been presented on the basis of how you succeed. The president today in his speech said, I quote, "America will not run in the face of car bombers and assassins so long as I am commander-in-chief." Well, so long as Jack Reed is a United States Senator and John Kerry is a senator and the rest of us are senators, none of us, no one, has ever suggested or believes that we should run in the face of car bombers or assassins.

"What's happening in Iraq is not working, it's a disaster." --Sen. Barbara Boxer

"I have proposed a target time frame for the completion of the military mission in Iraq and suggested December 31, 2006, as the target date for the completion of the withdrawal of American troops in Iraq." --from Sen. Russ Feingold's website

"As the United States Senate declared earlier this month, and as many Americans from all walks of life and all political beliefs have called for, we need a real and honest plan for success in Iraq so that our troops can begin to come home in 2006." --Sen. Edward Kennedy

β€œThe real question remains: as our soldiers start to come home, will they leave behind an Iraq on the path to stability or chaos? And are we doing everything we can to preserve our interests? I am still not convinced we are on the right track.” --Sen. Joe Biden (And with respect, a good majority of his statement was decent to the president, but again, here is the cut and run attitude. He is already seeing the troops coming home in large numbers.)

Sloganeering can never produce an exit strategy in Iraq. Only a serious look at achievable goals can do that. The American people were waiting for a new vision on the war in Iraq. This speech left them waiting still." --Sen. Robert Byrd

Our troops and their family and loved ones at home deserve more than politics as usual from the President. They deserve a real and concrete plan to bring our troops home. Today the President failed to provide such a plan. --Rep. Dennis Kucinich

And to sum all this up is Michael Rowland, reporting for ABC. Below is the transcript of his report this morning after the speech. http://www.abc.net.au/am/content/2005/s1520583.htm

GEORGE W. BUSH: Our goal is to train enough Iraqi forces so they can carry the fight, and this'll take time and patience.

MICHAEL ROWLAND: Mr Bush has again refused to set a deadline for the withdrawal of US troops, but says any timetable will be set by the military brass, and not Washington politicians.

Democrat Senator, and former presidential candidate, John Kerry, says Mr Bush has failed yet again to demonstrate to an increasingly sceptical public that he has an effective strategy to win the war in Iraq.

JOHN KERRY: So what the President did not acknowledge today at all is that the presence of our troops, itself, is a part of the current reality on the ground that presents food for the insurgency. And you need to reduce that presence over a period of time in order to be able to succeed, not fail.

MICHAEL ROWLAND: The economic cost of the war is set to deepen, with the White House refusing to rule out reports that another $4-billion is to be spent on training and equipping Iraqi forces.

Even Rowland was waiting to hear a timetable that will never be revealed openly. The president can't trust the press, and he sure as hell can';t trust those in Congress. They'll never keep their mouths shut about ANY timetable laid out by the administration. So, it's safe to say that those idrectly involved in the war efforts are privy to that information, and not to blabber-mouths like those on the Left. And the timetable is so simple that they just do not get it. They can't because "victory" doesn't compute in their feeble, little minds. You want to know when we're leaving, Sen. Kerry? Sen. Kennedy? Sen. Biden? Let me repeat this...with feeling:


Their reaction was more than predictable. What is sad is the port-side of the blogosphere is already starting to parrot these talking points without really looking at the president, the plan (linked below), and how truly unhinged and insane their party leaders sounded today. It would be hilarious if it weren't so sad.


Publius II


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