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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

They Should Be Used To "Failure" By Now

Rep. Murtha's initiative calling for the immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq went down in flames, much his party did in 2004 against Pres. Bush. I touched on this earlier this week when I heard his statements regarding a "cut and run" strategy of appeasement towards our enemies. Yes should we be surprised. I will not go into the historical side to emphasize this. I will highlight one single person: John Kerry.

Kerry's "global test" he offered during the debates is an excellent point to use to display Rep. Murtha's apprehension about getting out Iraq. Sen. Kerry presented an idea that implicitly would have dictated our foreign policy based on "how the world feels." If there any more of a disastrous policy, I am unaware of it. Rep. Murtha may have served in the military, served in Vietnam, and been a strong proponent in favor of the troops and veterans, but this nutty idea was born out of frustration in his party, and it was 100% wrong from the start.

Thanks God the measure went down 403-3. (No word yet on the votes in favor of the pullout. The blogosphere is still trying to find those three.)

The insults and barbs were flying all over the place, and they came even nastier after the vote as the Democrats repeated their charges during the floor debate that his was a GOP trick; just politics as usual. Yes, it was the Democrats playing politics with the troops--which they have done countless times before--and the GOP getting fed up with it. The Democrats were told, point blank last night, "Put up or shut up." Now, to be fair, there was no way the Democrats were going to get the votes in favor of Rep. Murtha's proposal. They knew the GOP was going to stand in lock-step, and hold the line.

Had this vote been brought to the senate first, there might have been a bit more wrangling, but within fifteen minutes, or so, of the actual vote proceeding, the Democrats knew they were going to lose. There was no way, in Hell, that the GOP was going to let this go through. The Democrats lost another fight, and Rep. Murtha has exposed himself for what he really is. The Democrats needed someone to throw themselves on their sword, take one for the team, and a major gamble.

Rep. Murtha read a number of letters on the floor during the debate from families of servicement, and serving troops that agreed with his proposition, and disapprove of the war. It pains me to hear that. I will chalk it up to them being away from home for so long, but we cannot retreat. To do so in the face of our enemies would go beyond the definition of "bad." We would abandon a new, free nation to it's enemies, and would emphasize bin Laden's boast that we are nothing more than a paper tiger.

The United States of America is no paper tiger. We rise to the occasion when threatened, which we did, and we deal with our enemies accordingly. This is a whole brand, new world for many people. They have never imagined how dangerous this enemy is. They are not ones that fight in column and formation. They do not abide by the rules of war, and when losing, they go after the innocent. (sound familiar, guys?)

We will not retreat. We will finish off the enemy in Iraq, and come home when the job is done. We depend on this truth, and so does the world. Ask London. Ask Madrid. Ask Amman. If we fail on this front, no one will step up and clean up this mistake. We have been the "world's janitor" for years. It is now time to crack some skulls.

The Bunny ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I listened to most of what was said last evening. The voting yes to cut and run were Jose Serrano NY, Robert Wexler FL, and Cynthia McKinny GA. The six cowards voting present were Jim McDermont WN, Michael Capuano MASS, William Lacy Clay, MISS and three from NY, Maurice Hinley, Major Owens. Kerry is a lying traitor and a hero to our enemy. Rawriter

7:17 PM  

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