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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Coulter Crossed The Line: Apologize, Or Face The Consequences

Ann Coulter, a woman whom we have a great deal of respect for, was at the recent CPAC event in Washington, DC. She addressed the crowd there, and as bloggers watched on the TV feed, she made a horrendous mistake. She said the following, according to those there:

“Rag-head talks tough, rag-head faces thunderous consequences.”

No offense, but we expect this sort of stupidity from the Left, not someone among our ranks. However, unlike the Left, we are willing to call her on the carpet over this statement. And all of you critics out there that have been bombarding our e-mail boxes regarding our supposed "hypocrisy" when it comes to the Cartoon War, do not bother to send one. This is not being hypocritical. We are also not playing the Euro-game of self-censorship. Ann can say what she pleases, but with a woman as intelligent as she is, there had to have been a better way to make one's point than the use a racial slur.

And yes, we are aware that there are a lot of people in this country that would use that word. We do not. We do not use it on this site, or in our columns. Nor do we use such terms around one another at home. We have more class than this. We condemn her for her remark. We stand united with this nation in a war against Islamofascism. We condemn the radical Muslims deciding that here and now their jihad will occur, and damn those infidels--armed or not--that get in the way.

If Ms. Coulter thinks that a vast majority of the nation agrees with her, then she is ignorant. If she was simply letting loose because she was "lost" in the moment, then I suggest she bring a map next time.

Simply put, there is no excuse for such a statement. It is completely indefensible. The port-side of the blogosphere is already in a lather over this, and they are comparing a great deal of conservatives, in general, to being a lot like Ann. This is not true. Though we enjoy her wit and humor, and occasionally attempt to inject some of that humor into our posts, we do not agree with this statement made by her, or any other outlandish statements made by her.

This marks the third time that we have had to address comments she has made. I personally handled her evisceration regarding Chief Justice Roberts when she basically called him a "Souter justice;" that being a jurist with little or no track record she could find. (Here is a little inside track for Ms. Coulter: Quit being lazy, then, or quit distrusting the blogs. There were a lot of sites touching on Roberts, putting up his resume and accomplishments, and legal minds far more attuned to the judiciary than your own had absolutely no problem with him.)

She has, subsequently, apologized. Too little too late. Now, if on Monday she issues an apology, we will take it with a grain of salt. It will only be a matter of time before she makes another kooky, tasteless statement like this.

Also, to the Left, please take note. This is the starboard side of the blogosphere, and conservatives, in general, that are taking her to taks. Do not ever accuse us of not taking care of our house. We are. She needs to apologize. The consequences if she does not will not be pleasent, and it is likely to reflect on her next book release. It could also be reflected in the lack of people visiting her site. This is going to be potentially ugly for her if she does not stand up, apologize, and retract that comment. We ask only of what we ask out of the MSM. It is called accountability and honesty.

Stand up and accept the fact you screwed up, Ann.

The Bunny ;)


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