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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Monday, February 20, 2006

The MSM: Still In The Dark, And As Clueless As Ever

The Drudge Report has brought to light how utterly clueless the MSM is.

If the nation's top magazines have the pulse of the country -- get ready for another exhaustive week of exhaustive Cheney shooting coverage!

This just in... Both TIME and NEWSWEEK are planning high impact covers of Cheney for newsstands starting tomorrow, with each magazine rolling out top staff bylines and thousands of words on the hunting incident: TIME: With deep reporting by John Cloud, Mike Allen and Matthew Cooper/ Washington, Cathy Booth Thomas and Patricia Kilday Hart/ Austin, and Hilary Hylton. NEWSWEEK urgently brings in its big investigative guns: Evan Thomas, Michael Isikoff, Daniel Klaidman, Richard Wolffe, Holly Bailey, Mark Hosenball and Eleanor Clift in Washington and Carol Rust in Texas.

NEWSWEEK's Jonathan Alter essays that media budget cuts and shifting news priorities have contributed to the public being in the dark about Cheney's ways and means.


NEWSWEEK editor Mark Whitaker defends his decision to push for another week of Cheney-Shooting coverage: "The reason we ultimately decided to stick with a cover is not because of the hunting incident itself-although we did turn up some new details that you might not have read elsewhere-but because of what it says about the mysterious world of the most powerful vice president of recent times."

On CNN's RELIABLE SOURCES, WASHINGTON POST reporter Dana Milbank fretted that the White House is exploiting the public's growing disdain for the mainstream media. "Of course they succeed,” Milbank said of Bush aides. “The press always looks awful. They will once again make us look awful.”

CNN's Candy Crowley added: "The perception is that we're whining."

White House correspondent Bill Plante of CBS agreed.

"The vice president and the White House have both used the constant press coverage of this story as a wedge,” he told RELIABLE SOURCES host Howard Kurtz. “It plays to the prejudices of the people who are predisposed not to like us, and it's one way to distract attention from what happened.”

More 24/7 coverage of a story that is already, by far, over; this shows the media has no clue about what news reporting should be. They have turned a blind eye to more Islamic radicals calling for more protests. They disregard hundreds of Afghanis threatening to join al Qaeda because of these cartoons. Obviously the clue bus has missed hitting them over the Democrat's new plan on an attempt to withdraw our troops. And they have completely overlooked the concerns about our port security. The media, it can now be said faithfully, has gone into meltdown/smear mode.

Of course, this was to be expected. They weren't happy with the response from the White House early last week regarding their inept questions regarding the incident. They frothed at the mouth on Day Two, when David Gregory lost it on Scott McClellan. When Vice President Cheney had his interview with Brit Hume on FOX News, the accusations flew that he ran to where he'd face softball questions in a friendlier atmosphere. When Harry Whittington was released from the hospital last week, that didn't faze the MSM at all; they were still gathering the wood for the burning stake, and grabbing their torches and pitchforks.

The average viewer and reader of the news right now is probably scratching their head over why this is such a story. He shot a man on accident, the man is fine, and has been released from the hospital. A minor complication occurred, and while that is regrettable, he is alive. The vice president has expressed his sorrow for shooting his friend, and accepted responsibility. The ultimate slap-in-the-face for the MSM had to be when the sheriff's department in Texas announced there would be no charges filed against the vice president.

On almost every major news story over the past week, or so, the MSM has missed the boat. They missed the boat on Iran, they're missing it over Hugo Chavez today, they haven't covered the blatant censorship of the University of Illinois' newspaper. Marcie pointed out four stories above that are breaking today, or have been breaking over the last 24 hours, and all the media has to offer us today is a rehash of a story that is already done and over with. I liken this sort of behavior to the media's numerous attempts to remind us of the Watergate break-in, and the scandal that helped undo the Nixon administration. (Of course, Helen Thomas likens the Cheney shooting incident to something more dark and sinister than simply a hunting accident. In my opinion, it's time for that senile old bat to hang up her typewriter.)

There are more important fish to fry in the world than the vice president. There are far more important--globally-strategic--issues to face than hounding Vice President Cheney for another week. But, this shows the class and character of the White House. Amidst all of this, they are are still on the job, and dealing with the issues that affects America. While the White House is busy trying to make sure that all is right in our world, the media is busy trying to undo it.

Bunny ;)
Publius II


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