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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

As Standing Geraghtyites, How Could We Refuse?

"Emperor "Hughus Hewitus" ,/li>has sounded the Geraghtyite Horn, and called for all good men to come to the aid of their party, literally:

Are you willing to invest $500 in the future by contributing to the nine GOP Senate candidates that are best positioned to either retain their seats or take a blue seat red?

It is a lot of money, but the stakes are incredibly high, including success in the war and the ability to confirm good judges to the Supreme Court and the lower federal courts.

In fact, no matter what the problem is, the answer can't be more Democrats.

Please go online and send $50 to each of these nine candidates, and then pick your favorite and send $50 more. (UPDATE: Just added Jon Kyl's campaign, so it is 10 campaigns with $50 all around.)

Here are the links to the contribution sites:

Arizona's Jon Kyl
Maryland's Michael Steele
Minnesota's Mark Kennedy
Missouri's Jim Talent
Montana's Conrad Burns
Nebraska's Pete Ricketts
New Jersey's Tom Kean
Ohio's Mike DeWine
Pennsylvania's Rick Santorum
Washington State's Mike McGavick

We have pledged $100 per campaign, at this point. We will be campaigning on behalf of Senator Kyl in Arizona (we do live here, after all). We do have to make a slight addendum though. In the spirit of showing our Geraghtyite side, we pledged money to Mike DeWine. We're not too happy with him right now, and it's over a whole host of issues. From the Gang of 14 deal to the immigration amendments (He did vote against two primary amendments to immigration reform--enforcement and "official language English"), and he voted against the ANWaR provision in the 2006 Defense Appropriations bill. This contribution to Senator DeWine is a one-time-only deal. From this point forward, should a solid contender come out of the primaries, we will support them in the desire to unseat Mike DeWine.

We're sorry to butt heads with the "emperor," but we've got some serious reservations about Senator DeWine, and we don't think that he is a beneficial "party man." I am aware of his defense whne it comes to the NSA surveillance argument, but as of right now that argument is moot, and Sealed Case makes that so. It is precedent in hand. Further rulings would have to be appealed to the Supreme Court, and they've been reluctant to touch it.

But we encourage fellow Geraghtyites to follow in the same footsteps. Stand up and be heard, and help steer the party in the right direction. A thought dawned on me tonight that we have no one to blame but ourselves for the mess in Congress. It was our thoughtless approach to responsibility that brought us here. For too long, voting was "going through the motions" for many. People are starting to take notice of what's going on (wars have that effect on people), and they're not too happy with what they see from one party in particular that's supposedly serious about being serious.

Publius II


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