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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

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Monday, May 08, 2006

Jimmy Carter Needs To Keep His Thoughts To Himself

Yes, once again Jimmy Carter has come out, and voiced his opinion. As with his previous episode of foot-in-mouth syndrome, today's entry is no less inept. And this op-ed is a telling reminder of why he lasted only one term as president. He simply can't grasp the idea of US foreign policy when it comes to terrorists. Captain Ed pointed this out, and while he only cites a couple paragraphs, he insists that others should read the whole thing to understand where nutty Jimmy is coming from. So, here is the whole thing. Read it.

Innocent Palestinian people are being treated like animals, with the presumption that they are guilty of some crime. Because they voted for candidates who are members of Hamas, the United States government has become the driving force behind an apparently effective scheme of depriving the general public of income, access to the outside world and the necessities of life.

No. We've become a driving force behind making sure the PA doesn't receive funds that it would divert to other means, such as the continuing intifada against Israel. Hamas has made it plainly clear that they won't recognize Israel right to exist, and it's more militant members just carried out a suicide attack just a few short weeks ago. As long as neither side is willing to work with Israel, then no funds should go to the ruling party of Hamas. The Palestinian people should have thought better on election day than to put a known terrorist organization in charge of themselves. They knew that this would be the path for them.

Overwhelmingly, these are school teachers, nurses, social workers, police officers, farm families, shopkeepers, and their employees and families who are just hoping for a better life. Public opinion polls conducted after the January parliamentary election show that 80 percent of Palestinians still want a peace agreement with Israel based on the international road map premises. Although Fatah party members refused to join Hamas in a coalition government, nearly 70 percent of Palestinians continue to support Fatah's leader, Mahmoud Abbas, as their president.

Eighty percent is a high number. But the problem of Hamas and Fatah still remain. They hate Israel. They despise the Jews in ways that would surprise even the staunchest neo-Nazi. They have stated there will be "no peace" between the Palestinians and the Israelis until Israel leaves "occupied territory." Well, I'm sorry, but the squatters are the ones raising a ruckus over who is occupying whom. Israelis, both in the historical sense, and in the question of sovereignty, have been there a lot longer, and have the right to that land; the only intelligent thing I can find in the whole history of the UN was the formation of the Israeli state.

It is almost a miracle that the Palestinians have been able to orchestrate three elections during the past 10 years, all of which have been honest, fair, strongly contested, without violence and with the results accepted by winners and losers. Among the 62 elections that have been monitored by us at the Carter Center, these are among the best in portraying the will of the people.

Three elections in ten years is a miracle to the dunce from Georgia? What about three elections in ONE year in Iraq, Jimmy? You don't think that was a miracle. Oh, that's right. He's a globalist, and it was the evils of unilateralism that prompted Jimmy to join the ranks of Michael Moore and Mother Moonbat in standing against the war. I'm sure that Jimmy monitored Hussein's last elections, and proclaimed it to be fair, honest, and open as well. Nevermind the fact that Hussein walked away with 100% of the vote. No democracy on the face of the earth has ever had that, but dictators rack that up all the time.

One clear reason for the surprising Hamas victory for legislative seats was that the voters were in despair about prospects for peace. With American acquiescence, the Israelis had avoided any substantive peace talks for more than five years, regardless of who had been chosen to represent the Palestinian side as interlocutor.

And so have the Palestinians. The Oslo Accords under President Clinton were flatly rejected by Yasser Arafat despite the concessions Israel was making. If the people had truly wanted peace in Israel they shouldn't have elected Hamas. What part of this does Jimmy not get. They are terrorists. They have vowed to destroy Israel. They have vowed to follow Arafat's plan to drive Israel into the sea. They don't want peace. They want annihilation of the Jewish state.

The day after his party lost the election, Abbas told me that his own struggling government could not sustain itself financially with their daily lives and economy so severely disrupted, and access from Palestine to Israel and the outside world almost totally restricted. They were already $900 million in debt and had no way to meet the payroll for the following month. The additional restraints imposed on the new government are a planned and deliberate catastrophe for the citizens of the occupied territories, in hopes that Hamas will yield to the economic pressure.

Well, it's a sound move for the West to do that seeing as how Hamas refuses to yield to common decency, and care for their fellow man. And me hoping that the day will come that the Palestinian people will do that is a long way's off. I'm 34 now. I can't hold my breath that long. But the West is right to do what it's doing by withholding the financial aid meant for the PA. As long as Hamas is in charge, and they refuse to disarm their militants, there will be no funds going to the PA. Period. The Israelis are more than willing to negotiate, but they want solid moves made by Hamas to keep their animals on a leash. That means condemning those who initiate terrorist attacks on Israel proper, and handing those people over to the Israelis for trial. If Hamas isn't even willing to take the steps to keep their militants under control, then why should ANYONE give the PA a dime?

With all their faults, Hamas leaders have continued to honor a temporary cease-fire, or hudna, during the past 18 months, and their spokesman told me that this "can be extended for two, 10 or even 50 years if the Israelis will reciprocate." Although Hamas leaders have refused to recognize the state of Israel while their territory is being occupied, Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh has expressed approval for peace talks between Abbas and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel. He added that if these negotiations result in an agreement that can be accepted by Palestinians, then the Hamas position regarding Israel would be changed.

For this response, I defer to Captain Ed, who writes:

Carter uses the Arabic hudna completely without any sense of its context. A hudna has never been understood as a prelude to a lasting peace, but a temporary cease fire of no more than ten years that allows Muslims a chance to gain the upper hand against an enemy. At any time during a hudna the Muslims can end it without warning in order to destroy their infidel enemies. It is a term that arises from the Prophet himself, and has specific meaning and limits. The hudna proposed by Hamas in any case does not carry any promise of recognition for Israel; it appears Carter just made this up out of whole cloth. Perhaps the Hamas spokesman told this to Carter, as he alleges, but Hamas has yet to make this statement publicly -- and to commit to a permanent cease-fire.

And as I pointed out, a cease-fire is no more when one side makes an attack. Islamic Jihad made an attack on Israel back in April. As Islamic Jihad falls under the purview of the PA, the cease-fire is now null and void. And it shows that Hamas hasn't the ability to keep their people in line.

Regardless of these intricate and long-term political interrelationships, it is unconscionable for Israel, the United States and others under their influence to continue punishing the innocent and already persecuted people of Palestine. The Israelis are withholding approximately $55 million a month in taxes and customs duties that, without dispute, belong to the Palestinians. Although some Arab nations have allocated funds for humanitarian purposes to alleviate human suffering, the U.S. government is threatening the financial existence of any Jordanian or other bank that dares to transfer this assistance into Palestine.

While the money may belong to the Palestinians (or through Jimmy's tortured PA-backed logic) it doesn't change the fact that they're not abiding by any sort of peace plan or cease-fire. They are still arming. They are still preparing. And as I stated above, it's right for the West to throw its influence around in the Middle East to make sure that monies collected from other thug regimes, or even the well-meaning governemtns around the world doesn't end up in Palestinian hands to be used violently against the Israelis.

There is no way to predict what will happen in Palestine, but it would be a tragedy for the international community to abandon the hope that a peaceful coexistence of two states in the Holy Land is possible. Like Egypt and all other Arab nations before the Camp David Accords of 1978, and the Palestine Liberation Organization before the Oslo peace agreement of 1993, Hamas has so far refused to recognize the sovereign state of Israel as legitimate, with a right to live in peace. This is a matter of great concern to all of us, and the international community needs to probe for an acceptable way out of this quagmire. There is no doubt that Israelis and Palestinians both want a durable two-state solution, but depriving the people of Palestine of their basic human rights just to punish their elected leaders is not a path to peace.

So says Jimmy Carter. But, then again, do we care what this doddering, inept fool has to say? His presidential legacy is him sucking his thumb under his desk as Islamofascists rose to power in Iran, and took 60 American hostages for 444 days. Yep, that Jimmy sure knows the Middle East now, doesn't he? It's leaders like Jimmy Carter that emboldened our enemies over there, and it's leaders like him now that act as dhimmis for them; extolling their virtues, and right to live.

I'm sorry but the Israelis are in a war. We're in a war. In war, the enemy isn't defeated until they're destroyed, or wrecked to the point of their surrender. Negotiations don't start until the enemy is beaten. But with enablers like Jimmy running around the globe, excusing the actions of animals against innocent men, women, and children, who needs enemies?

Publius II


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