My lovely and talented partner started off our month-ending collaborative post last month, so I get to open this one up. This month sure had it’s share of stories, but we have chosen the top six to make final comments on. Much of it involves the judiciary, as this month has been ripe with many a story regarding it. London became a victim in the war on terror, and Karl Rove was dubbed a pseudo-master of terror over the "Plame Game" perpetrated by her husband.
A New "Day" Dawns
Associate Justice Sandra Day O’Connor announced her retirement from the Supreme Court this month. We at the Asylum, and many constitutionally-minded "armchair lawyers" breathed a sigh of relief. A much more promising opening than the Chief Justice’s seat, but one that has shown it will not be easy to fill. The Democrats in the Senate are moving their pieces into place in the futile hope they can stop him, or at least delay him long enough to gather dirt on him, and attempt to "Bork" him. They’re already using the same tactics against the Roberts nomination they used in Estrada by demanding more documents from the White House than it is willing to give. It’s not because there’s "dirt" they don’t want revealed. This goes directly to attorney/client privilege. While Roberts was solicitor general to the US, he was a legal representative for the nation in the courts. His correspondence, e-mails, etc. are off limits to the Judiciary Committee. They’re just going to have to get over this fact. Originally, I predicted that the seas would be smooth for Roberts, but the port side of the ideological spectrum seems to be intent on making this confirmation anything but "quick" or "fair."
The Grotesque MSM
Thomas is right. The seas will not be smooth for the sailing of Roberts ship, and the MSM made sure of it as quickly as possible. The day after the announcement of Judge John Roberts as President Bush’s choice to replace Justice O’Connor, the LA Times and Washington Post wasted no time firing off the first shots. The Post went to the lowest common denominator by attacking Roberts’ family, especially as they stood off to the side in their "Sunday Best." Described as "Easter eggs" in their pastels, and his wife described as "Donna Reed," the Post did not just simply take a swipe at his family. They took a swing at the wholesome image they portray. It is so rare nowadays for the MSM to find such a wholesome family. Every family they seem to find is dysfunctional on so many levels that I am sure many people believe that the idea of the family unit was dead. The Times launched into speculation over who controls Roberts’ beliefs when they pointed out that his wife works with "Feminists For Life," a notably staunch advocate for overturning Roe v. Wade, and sending the abortion debate back to the states where it should be. The Times queried whether it was Roberts or his wife pushing an anti-abortion agenda. That agenda, as yet, has been unproved by the Times, and only serves to show the desperation of the Left over Roberts.
We Still Like You, We Just Think You’re Wrong
And from the starboard side of the ideological spectrum, Ann Coulter voiced her concern over Roberts in her typical screed-like fashion. Normally, I don’t mind her rants. They’re right on the money 99% of the time, and they’re quite amusing. (They are for anyone with a rapier wit, and a sharp tongue like myself.) As a writer, I share Ann’s passion, especially for politics, but I temper it with cool, reasoned logic and tons of research. She is right to worry that Roberts may turn out to be another Souter; an opinion I argue against based on the short record that Roberts has. Based on his decisions, I can reasonably state that Roberts will be on the side of the Constitution 90% of the time. A lot of people will jump on my backside for allowing that much leeway, but remember that I’m not a lawyer. I can only base my opinions on what I know of the law (which is quite a bit), and what I see in the cases presented. For the most part, people agree with the arguments I make. I cite back to the fact that many people linked to the Asylum after the Kelo case because I understood it, and dissected it so clearly. Roberts will do the same. He is not prone to being emotionally involved, and will thoroughly dissect the argument. I do hope that Ann is wrong, and that Roberts goes on to be a superb originalist jurist. We at the Asylum believe he will be. But don’t lose heart, we still like you, even if this is a first for you possibly being wrong.
The Animals Strike The Lion
On the 7th of July, and again on the 21st , Muslim suicide bombers struck London. In the first attack, over fifty people lost their lives. The second attack did not go quite as planned, and police are still piecing together the botched attempt. The second attack was a close call for London, as bombers were positioned in much the same way they were on the 7th. On the 7th, morning rush hour turned into a nightmare as three tubes were targeted, and a suicide bomber—who may or may not have gotten cold feet—blew up a double-decker bus. A similar modus operandi was executed on the 21st, as again, morning rush hour was chosen as the time, and the targets were identical in nature. But these fools wired the explosives incorrectly, and only the detonators popped. London police found a car that they believed was used by the bombers, and found several—at last count, sixteen—ready-to-go devices similar to those that did not detonate fully. The first attack was on the 7th, and today, the 31st, London authorities believe they have almost everyone connected to this cell, or group of cells, pretty much rounded up. This manhunt has taken authorities in London to Rome, and, as of this morning, a Jordanian man is being sought by Scotland Yard. The network is collapsing.
Talk About Biting The Hand That Feeds You
Egypt used to love terrorists. (That wasn't the "official line from the government, but they did; especially for use against Israel prior to their peace agreement.) But diplomatic pressure from the West, and two sprouting democracies in the Middle East has made Egypt rethink it’s position on terrorists. They have been key in helping us round up a number of al-Qaeda people in North Africa, including a few key leaders in the al-Qaeda movement that is attempting to take a firmer grip over the African continent. But, on the 23rd, the cowardly terrorists struck the Sharm el-Sheik resort. Over eighty people were killed, and over 200 were injured in the worst act of terrorism in Egypt in over a decade. (Yes, it’s been that long since Egypt started cleaning up it’s act.) Sixty Egyptians were killed, along with a number of Jordanians, Saudis, Germans, and British. A group tied closely to al-Qaeda claimed initial responsibility for the blast. So, this now makes three of our allies in this war that have been attacked. Spain folded up it’s tent and went home. Egypt and Great Britain are still on board. And they’re on board because they know if they pull out, the appeasement will only guarantee more trouble down the road. It’s best to stand now, and finish what was started. Tony Blair isn’t ready to recall his troops. Mubarrak is still hunting down terrorists in his country, and helping us round them up in Africa. We are still united. We are not backing down. And to quote a new site to the blogosphere that popped up after the London bombings on 7 July, "WE ARE NOT AFRAID."
The Plame Blame Game
Karl Rove has had more than his fifteen minutes in the spotlight, especially this month. The MSM jumped all over him in July because they ran with a story that somehow the White House lied, again (Lord when will you moonbats learn), and Karl Rove was the infamous leaker. He told the press who Valerie Plame was and what she did for a living. There is just one small problem with that. Rove did no such thing, and the media knows it. Over thirty affidavits were filed to the judge overseeing the grand jury—amicus curiae, or friend of the court briefs—by major news outlets on Rove’s behalf. Matt Cooper, a writer for Time that had been facing jail time if he did not give up his source, exonerated Rove by releasing the e-mail correspondence that they had, and told them of the phone call he placed to Rove. The subject was not over Plame, but Cooper snuck the mention of her in late in the phone call. Cooper revealed her to Rove, not the other way around. Add to the fact that Valerie Plame was anything but a covert operative for the CIA. She worked as a low-level analyst for the WMD proliferation group at CIA. She was not a NOC, or non-official cover. She had been back in the US too long to still maintain the one she had when she was abroad. Most NOC status people lose it after being back "in-country" for more than five years; Plame had been back in the states for six years. And lest we forget her sterling husband who mentioned her name in his own book, in his online biography, and lied to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence over what he learned in Niger, and what he reported to the CIA (which was nothing, as CIA denies they received no briefing from him, or a report.)Once again, the Left has egg all over its face for the "witch-hunt" they instituted on Rove, and the slanderous remarks they peppered him with.
All in all, the events of the month were not as varied as the usually are. Normally, the topics are wide and varied, but two things took the point this month. Those being the shenanigans amidst our judicial fight, and the barbaric animals that attacked London. I’d like to say that more good news will pop up next month, but I can’t guarantee it. I’d like to be like the prophets of old, and could warn people of what’s coming up. But, I’m not Ezekiel. I’m just your average Joe. A random lunatic in the Asylum of life, kicking back in the Mustang, and watching life pass by in the rearview mirror...
The Bunny ;) & Publius II