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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

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Friday, July 22, 2005

Two Pathetic Sides Of The Same Coin

It’s rare when we get two stories revolving around a similar issue in the smae day. But today, I guess, is a special day. The WaPo (Washington Post, for the Kos Kids) decided to take another swipe at John Roberts. But not in the way many would expect. Yesterday, the LA Times took the low road by going after Roberts through his wife, and her affiliation with a pro-life organization. Today, the WaPo decided to step up the dirty tricks by taking swipes at Roberts’ kids. (Hat-Tip: Michelle Malkin and Captain’s Quarters)

It has been a long time since so much syrupy nostalgia has been in evidence at the White House. But Tuesday night, when President Bush announced his choice for the next associate justice of the Supreme Court, it was hard not to marvel at the 1950s-style tableau vivant that was John Roberts and his family.

There they were -- John, Jane, Josie and Jack -- standing with the president and before the entire country. The nominee was in a sober suit with the expected white shirt and red tie. His wife and children stood before the cameras, groomed and glossy in pastel hues -- like a trio of Easter eggs, a handful of Jelly Bellies, three little Necco wafers. There was tow-headed Jack -- having freed himself from the controlling grip of his mother -- enjoying a moment in the spotlight dressed in a seersucker suit with short pants and saddle shoes. His sister, Josie, was half-hidden behind her mother's skirt. Her blond pageboy glistened. And she was wearing a yellow dress with a crisp white collar, lace-trimmed anklets and black patent-leather Mary Janes. ...

The wife wore a strawberry-pink tweed suit with taupe pumps and pearls, which alone would not have been particularly remarkable, but alongside the nostalgic costuming of the children, the overall effect was of self-consciously crafted perfection. The children, of course, are innocents. They are dressed by their parents. And through their clothes choices, the parents have created the kind of honeyed faultlessness that jams mailboxes every December when personalized Christmas cards arrive bringing greetings "to you and yours" from the Blake family or the Joneses. Everyone looks freshly scrubbed and adorable, just like they have stepped from a Currier & Ives landscape.

In a time when most children are dressed in Gap Kids and retailers of similar price-point and modernity, the parents put young master Jack in an ensemble that calls to mind John F. "John-John" Kennedy Jr.

Separate the child from the clothes, which do not acknowledge trends, popular culture or the passing of time. They are not classic; they are old-fashioned. These clothes are Old World, old money and a cut above the light-up/shoe-buying hoi polloi.

So, what exactly is the WaPo pushing here? It’s a bad thing that Roberts and his wife don’t spoil the ever-living snot out of their kids? That the parents seem to have a higher idea of morals than most people? Come on, they were dressed nice and appropriate. Beats the Britney Spears/grunge dress code of the youth today where kids, for the most part, either dress like slobs or whores.

I’m not kidding. Today’s youth—hell, even some of the adults—have grabbed a hold of their kids dressing habits. I see grown men—30’s, 40’s, even 50’s—walking around with their pants around their asses. I see moms dressing much like their daughters, as if trying to compete as to who can look "sexier." Gag. The WaPo calls the clothing chosen by wife, son, and daughter as "old-fashioned." GASP!! Not old-fashioned! Come on, guys, you’re as bad as the Democrats who are seething that Bush didn’t give them someone they could truly filibuster. You have nothing to truly bring up, so you sling ad hominem attacks instead.

"She’s Donna Reed! His son was mimicking ‘John-John’! Her daughter was hiding behind her mother’s skirt! Call Gloria Steinham! The daughter must be molded into a feminist!"

Would the WaPo had been happier if the kids were sporting piercings and tattoos? How about is Roberts’ wife was wearing something a bit more provocative like leather or latex? Please, this was an event for the family. This was a moment of pride for the family. I do hope the Roberts family is ready for idiocy like this. The MSM is full of such, and DC seems to be the media-idiot capital of the country.

I’m really sorry that the WaPo has nothing better to do than to attack Judge Roberts family members. It’s uncalled for. The man who should be facing the fire is Judge Roberts, not his family. His family was there for him, and I’m sure at the behest of the White House. It’s not the fault of the mother or the father that the little dance maniac got bored. To a kid, such an event would be pretty boring. I remember growing up, eight or nine years old, being bored out of my gourd when dad turned on the news at night. I’m not bored anymore because now I’m in the middle of the news cycles.

But an apology needs to be issued by the WaPo for such a low, and clearly-partisan attack. Like the poor marksman that they are, the WaPo keeps missing the target. This time they hit an innocent, and at the least, they owe the family an apology. We know it won’t be sincere, but a "we’re sorry we lowered ourselves to the level of a tabloid rag" sure would be nice.

And from one embarrassment to another, I present the "esteemed" senior senator from New York. That’s right, "Schmucky" Chucky is at it again. This time, he isn’t even waiting for the hearings to start, and he’s already making demands. This comes from the Washington Times insider. (Hat-Tip: Captain’s Quarters)

Democrats said yesterday they will demand that the Bush administration hand over internal legal memorandums written by Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr. while he was a government lawyer -- something the White House has refused to do in the past.

Sen. Charles E. Schumer, New York Democrat, said he broached the topic during a meeting yesterday with Judge Roberts, who replied that any decision about his writings as deputy solicitor general would be made by the White House.
Republicans on Capitol Hill said the request is not likely to be granted.

Demands for those same documents -- deemed legally privileged by this and previous administrations -- led to the rejection of Miguel Estrada, an earlier Bush nominee to a lower court.

Democrats have used this tactic to stall the nomination of John R. Bolton, Mr. Bush's nominee for ambassador to the United Nations.

Please allow me to drop the bombshell on "Schmucky" Chucky, and the rest of the extreme, straight-jacket qualified Left in Kennedy, Leahy, Byrd, and Durbin: You’re not getting the documents because they’re protected under client confidentiality. At the time, he was representing his client, that being the United States, and those documents are off limits. And yes, I’d be defending a liberal the same way. The law is the law. If it were Bill Clinton up for this position, and he, at some time, had represented the US, any internal documents surrounding that representation would be off limits. But we know that if this were Clinton, there’d be no problem or questions. Chuck’s doing this because Roberts is an originalist, and was nominated by a Republican.

Further, if Chuck and the others are waiting for Roberts to start singing like a canary over how he would rule on this or that, they’re in for a rude surprise. Roberts should not be compelled to speak about such issues. It’s important for him to maintain his impartiality as a prospective jurist who’s been nominated to the highest court in the land.

Besides, this tactic isn’t going to work. If the schmuck from New York thinks that he’s going to be able to use this tactic in committee, then fall back on it when Roberts comes to the Senate floor for a vote, then he’s sadly mistaken. There will be no opportunity for a filibuster. I know that obstruction is almost as big a sacrament to the Left as abortion is, but they’ve got no legs to stand on. Roberts is qualified, as his record clearly shows, and they’ll get no help from the Gang of 14. The gang of dimwits seem to share the same belief that many in the blogosphere have. Roberts is qualified, and should have a smooth sailing through his hearings.

Remember my post from yesterday where I tossed out the idea that this, right now, may simply be a bit of grand-standing; for the sake of the extreme Left groups like NOW, the ACLU, and NARAL. These groups are going to be paid lip service by the Democrats—seemingly gearing up for the fight—so the Democrats can claim they did their best when they really aren’t going to. They’re going to let Roberts slip right on by, and the next vict...er, nominee that comes down the pipe is going to get slammed. And when everyone starts complaining about the obstruction for the next nominee, the Democrats can remind everyone that they offered little resistance for Roberts. I’d even be willing to state that Chuck will vote in favor of Roberts even though he was the only one to vote against him for his vote to appoint him to the DC Court.

This is all smoke and mirrors from the Democrats right now. Sure, they’re going to take their swipes at Roberts. To do anything less would be uncivilized for them, and we’d think that the Democrats were sick. (Mental sickness doesn’t count, folks; we know they’re nuts.) But I still stand behind my prediction that the Roberts confirmation will be smooth sailing, for the most part. Just sit back and watch. The Democrats are about to show us a comedy of errors we haven’t seen in a while.

Publius II


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