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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


President Bush announced this morning that today was the day. Today the nation would find out who was nominated to replace retired USSC justice Sandra Day O’Connor. There has been speculation for weeks. Much of the speculation started the day the president took his second oath of office. We’ve jumped in on this debate, as this subject is extremely important to us, and it’s important to the nation.

President Bush has announced John Roberts as the nominee to replace her, and I couldn’t be more ecstatic. The man served as a clerk to Chief Justice Rehnquist, and is well aware of the dealings on the high court. He’s a careful, thoughtful listener who will give each and every case a thorough look. Everyone agrees that anyone that has gone before Judge Roberts has received fair treatment.

That doesn’t mean the man is a wimp, or a moderate. He’s a staunch originalist that has been on our list for some time. And he has a shrewd legal mind in regard to the Constitution. This is a man that is going to give the ACLU, and their minions, fits. The point being is that this is an outstanding choice. I’d dance a jig if I knew how to jig. This man is going to be a proper addition to the high court.
And here is the key to the whole choice. The man’s record is as smooth as granite. There’s no traction for the Democrats or any of the special interest groups to gather up to stop the man. Roberts is also a prime pick because, despite his identity in DC as a Circuit Court judge, he’s managed to navigate the shark-infested waters of Washington without compromising his ideology, or his belief in the law; the law that is fundamental in nature and demeanor, and is what Roberts ultimately answers to. That is the kind of jurist we have hoped for. This is not a Souter or a Kennedy. This is a man that is going to interpret the law as it should be, not as he believes it should be.

Further, this nominee has faced the "business" five times before. That’s how many times the FBI has had to run a file and an investigation of this man, based on the roles he’s been appointed to. Three times for counsel for the government, and twice now as a judge. Had something popped up that would have prevented his confirmation, that would have disqualified him in the past. That includes his nomination for the DC Court, which the Left fought hard to prevent; many DC Court cases end up in the Supreme Court. That’s a court that Roberts is quite familiar with as he has argued cases before it prior to the present; more than twenty-five cases, at last count. (Give me time, I’m still building the research; it is a never-ending task.)

The knives are already coming out from the Left within the MSM. Sen. Boxer is stating that with the retirement of Justice O'Connor, this nomnee becomes an "extraordinary circumstance." The website for the PFAW is stating that, "Robert’s record is a disturbing on." That’s enough to tell me the president made a great choice, but I’ve got research to show just how "moonbatty" those people are.I believe an analyst on MSNBC was the first to use the term "extreme choice." This man is anything but extreme. Polls show that America wants an originalist judge; one who believes in the law, and will uphold the Constitution. The grand social experiment is over. Times are a-changing, and Judge Roberts—or should I say Justice Roberts—is going to lead the way.

The president’s choice is going to make much of the nation proud. That comes from the both sides of the aisle, liberal and conservative, Republican and Democrat. Many people, according to what I’m hearing on the radio (I don’t watch TV; I glance at it) are very, very happy with this choice. That’s because people know that this is the type of man who will step up and defend the Constitution, and not pull a Souter or Kennedy, and be influenced by people around him whether they be colleagues or the MSM.

I’m standing firm behind this man, and I’m going to kick Frist in the ass if he and the party don’t stand up for this man. They need to hold the line and dig in. This isn’t going to be an easy fight, and we need all the soldiers ready and frosty. I—WE—need their A-Game going into this fight. And make no mistake that the Left is going to make this a fight. They may not have a lot to grab onto, but they’re going to give it a go.

Congratulations, President Bush, for a fine nominee, an upstanding jurist, and a fine man. This is going to be one more notch on the president’s legacy the Left can’t afford, and it's a huge moment for the president and Judge Roberts. Prepare—no, EXPECT a filibuster. That’s despite his unopposed confirmation vote to the DC Court of Appeals. Pop some popcorn, crack open a beer, and get ready for a very bumpy ride.

Publius II


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He was on your short as I recall. From everything I know about him, he's okay. I see Schumer will be leading the committee fight against him. He said he voted against him because his answers weren't complete. lol. I don't expect much of a challenge. Rawriter

8:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You may not think he is much of a challenge, as does Publius, but I'm sure this man will force the issue of the Constitutnal Option.

Mistress Pundit

8:39 PM  

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