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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Alito Update: My Prediction Is DOA

As many of the readers know, my prediction for Judge Alito's Senate vote is 79-21. I was disheartened to see this when I checked California Yankee this morning.

52 FOR:
Allard (R - CO), Allen (R - VA), Alexander (R - TN), Bennett (R - UT),Bond (R - MO), Brownback (R - KS), Bunning (R - KY), Burns (R - MT), Burr (R - NC), Crapo (R - ID), Chambliss (R - GA), Cochran (R - MS), Coleman (R - MN), Coburn (R - OK), Cornyn (R - TX), Craig (R - ID), DeMint, (R - SC), DeWine (R - OH), Dole (R - NC), Domenici (R - NM), Ensign (R - NV), Enzi, (R - WY), Frist (R - TN), Graham (R - SC), Grassley (R - IA), Gregg (R - NH), Hagel (R - NE), Hatch (R - UT), Hutchison (R - TX), Inhofe (R - OK), Isakson (R - GA), Kyl (R - AZ), Lott (R - MS), Lugar (R - IN), Martinez (R - FL), McCain (R - AZ), McConnell (R - KY), Murkowski (R - AK), Nelson (D - NE), Roberts (R - KS), Santorum (R - PA), Sessions (R - AL), Shelby (R - AL), Smith (R - OR), Specter (R - PA), Sununu (R - NH), Talent (R - MO), Thomas (R - WY), Thune (R - SD), Vitter (R - LA), Voinovich (R - OH) and Warner (R - VA).

Baucus (D - MT), Biden (D - DE), Boxer (D - CA), Dodd (D - CT), Durbin (D - IL), Feingold (D - WI), Feinstein (D - CA), Harkin, (D - IA), Kennedy (D - MA), Kerry (D - MA), Kohl (D - WI), Leahy (D - VT), Mikulski (D - MD), Nelson (D - FL), Obama (D - IL), Reid (D - NV), Salazar (D - CO), Schumer (D - NY) Stabenow (D - MI) and Wyden (D - OR).

And this is the prediction from the Wall Street Journal. They have one Democrat crossing the line in Ben Nelson, 20 against Alito, and 24 unannounced, as yet. I'm one no vote away from having my prediction blown out of the water. I'm still holding onto it, but the odds don't look good. But, with the amount of GOP senators coming out in favor of Alito, and the fact that the Democrats still can't get any traction on the man, I doubt that the Democrats can create enough bluster to stop him. We already have 52 confirmed votes. By the end of the day, I'm sure it will be over sixty, making a filibuster or a hold a moot point; as long as he has 60 votes, neither can be attempted, and have the port-side maintain their "this isn't a partisan issue" arguments.

To them, the Alito confirmation was a partisan issue. He believes in interpreting the Constitution properly--it means what it says, and says what it means. It isn't "living" or "breathing." In the words of Justice Scalia, the Constitution is dead; amendable only through the proper procedures laid out. And that scares the ever-living Hell out of the Left because they know he isn't going to be one of their progressive activists. This moves the balance of the court to within one of putting things back to the way they should be. That is, a high court that looks at the law, and renders decisions based on what the law says and means, not what is socially-right in their eyes.

I should note here that Sen. George Allen--VA just dropped the hammer on the Democrats. He said, in response to inquiries surrounding a possible filibuster, "Make my day." The GOP is lined up and ready for that fight. I dare the Democrats to commit hari-kari on the Senate floor. A filibuster against Alito will end up becoming political suicide for the Democrats. Yes, please. Make the GOP's day, and commit suicide live in front of America. Just like Ted Kennedy and Holing Mad Howie Dean are the gifts that keep on giving, so are the screwy, incompetant tactics of the Left.

Publius II


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It appears that my prediction of 70 is also DOA. It's beyond me that any senator would let the democrat committee members tell them how to vote. I'm disgusted. Rawriter

1:48 AM  

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