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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

More On Mr. Funny Man

Joel Stein, the author of the piece I cited yesterday has come out to defend his piece according to Yahoo News. Drudge put this up earlier today.

A Los Angeles Times columnist who infuriated conservatives by writing that he does not support American troops fighting in Iraq -- and calling those who do "wusses" -- stood by the article on Tuesday.

So, according tho him, I am a wuss. And all because I do SUPPORT out roops in harm's way, and the mission they are on, huh? Well, we are all entitled to our opinions. As Thomas is often fond of saying, "Opinions are a lot like @$$holes; everyone has one, and more than a few stink."

Joel Stein said he has been "bombarded" by hate mail over the incendiary article -- which was headlined "Warriors and Wusses" and held that U.S. soldiers in Iraq were "ignoring their morality" -- but does not regret writing it and stands by the premise.

Ignoring their morality? How so? A soldier is not obliged to follow an immoral order--one in which can be deemed as a crime, such as torture or attacking unarmed civilians. The morality of our troops has NEVER been called into question except by Left-wing moonbats and Sen. Dick Durbin. Our troops are doing what they believe in, and if Mr. Stein had taken the time to visit Walter Reed hospital, or any other hospital where our wounded troops are, he would see that they still believe in the mission. All too often we hear of soldiers that want to go back, despite their wounds--even serious wounds like the loss of limbs. They know the job is not finished yet, and they feel they can still contribute.

"I don't support what they are doing, and I don't the see point of putting a big yellow magnet on your car if you don't," Stein told Reuters in an interview. "I don't think (soldiers) are necessarily bad people. I do plenty of things that are wrong too. But I don't agree with what they are doing so I don't see the logic of supporting it."

I will agree with many people who have commented on this piece when they say "at least he is honest." True, but that does not excuse the comments. They are ill-informed and the man is grossly uneducated when it comes to the troops, and what it means to be in the military.

The article, which ran on the Times opinion page on Tuesday, was quickly linked on conservative sites across the Internet, where readers poured scorn on Stein, on the newspaper and on liberals in general.

"If I ever run into the a**hole, I'm going to knock his frickin' block off," one man wrote on the Little Green Footballs (www.littlegreenfootballs.com) Web site, one of nearly 500 people who had commented on the article by mid-afternoon.

I do not condone violence on this man. "Nutters," as Hugh calls them (and Thomas now refers to them as) will never learn through the utilization of violence. As I pointed out this morning Mr. Stein reminds me of a 17 year-old know-nothing simple stumbling his way through his pathetic life with little to offer other than inept musings.

Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin quickly nominated Stein as "one of the most loathsome people in America." The Irish Pennants (www.irishpennants.com) site slammed him as "slime" but gave credit for honesty, adding:

"At least he is straightforward slime."

A Times spokesman said he could not immediately determine how many complaints the newspaper had received or if any readers had canceled subscriptions.

Read: We have had a lot of comments, mostly negative, but I am not going to comment on them. Also, I am sure the LA Times has received a few calls cancelling their subscription to the cage-liner. The Times is not going to comment on such things, especially the cancellations, because otherwise they would be admitting that they are failing miserably. Not that we need that reminder. Anyone who visits our site regularly knows the Day-By-Day cartoon we have at the top of the page. The graph on today's cartoon was taken from the Internet last week on the heels of the report concerning the sagging numbers for the Tribune Company and the LA Times.

Stein said that, despite the fact that his e-mail address was not made public by the paper, he had received some 100 "hate e-mails" by noon.

Um, excuse me Mr. Stein, but we are bloggers. It was not difficult to locate your e-mail address. And frankly, you deserve every nasty e-mail you receive. Maybe next time you will think twice before making an ass out of yourself, and maybe it will prompt you to be a bit more educated in your columns; though I do doubt he will learn much from this.

"They're telling me to leave the country, which sounded good at first because I thought they meant a vacation. But they didn't mean a vacation," he said. The columnist said he suspected the reaction was largely fueled by the Web sites, adding: "My guess is that it will die down pretty quickly."

It will only die down if you quit writing such pap. Get over the fact that a majority of the nation is behind our troops and behind the mission. WE GET IT! I am so sorry you still find yourself in a pre-9/11 world where our troops are sent off to foreign lands and told to sit on their triggers. We are in a war, and our troops are fighting our enemy. If you cannot deal with that, then shut up when it comes to talking about the troops, and take swipes at the mediocre--at best--idiots in Hollywood trying to make movies, if you can call it that anymore.

Stein said he had long considered the issue and that whenever a politician opposes the war but supports the troops "I just always think they are covering their ass."

Asked if he had regrets, he said: "No, because I'm against the war. (I have no regrets) if this helps us get out of that war and bring our troops home safely."

So, in other words, he is a Michael Moore/Howard Dean/MoveOn.org nutter. He does not care about the troops. He does not understand the mission. He just wants our troops home. And, in his view, they are not owed a parade because it would snarl traffic. Well, Laura Lee Donoho of the Wide Awake Cafe decided to show him what a parade for our troops means.

Even if my brother was not in the Army and serving in Afghanistan, I would still support the mission and the soldiers. It is the right thing to do. The era of Vietnam is over, and the soldiers that volunteer to put their @$$es on the line are owed the respect and dignity of the nation. We have enough nutters in America that woiuld just as soon spit on a soldier as shake their hands. The MSM is rife with antiwar, anti-troop moonbats. Joel Stein has simply joined their ranks.

And in closing I would to let Mr. Stein know this simple fact: Bloggers are watching the MSM. We have been for awhile, and when idiots like you pop your pitiful heads up, we knock it clear out of the park. If you do not want to engage the blogosphere as a whole, then I suggest you find a different subject to cover. You might want to try following something more substantive, like tiddly-winks.

The Bunny ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately there are a few people out there that believe we started WW2 and we caused all the attacks on us including 9/11 and we shouldn't protect ourselves. Do we send our enemies an invitation to have afternoon tea? What would they have us do? Give in the enemy that would kill us? Rawriter

1:42 AM  

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