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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Scott Ritter Has Lost His Marbles

Not that he had a whole lot of them left to begin with, but this rant picked up by Op-For is priceless:

(HT: Jonah Goldberg at NRO's The Corner)

The problems that plague Washington DC on the issue of Iran are the same problems that haunt America overall regarding Iraq -- no clear understanding of why we as a nation are doing what we are doing where we are doing it, and absolutely no system of accountability for those who are implicated, directly through their actions or indirectly through abrogation of duties and responsibilities, in embroiling America in such senseless conflict. There seems to be, especially among the so-called "anti-war" crowd, a tendency to blame the "system" for all that ails us, with a specific trend to isolate particular nodes of economic and/or political power for special indictment.

In this light, the current war in Iraq and the real possibility of war with Iran becomes the responsibility of "Big Oil," the "Neo Cons," the "Military Industrial Complex," and more recently, the "Israeli Lobby." There are more names one can add to the list; everyone, it seems, is to blame. Congress, while not getting a pass, does get special dispensation in so far that we can understand why the elected representatives of the people abrogate the trust and confidence we place in them by noting that they have fallen under the ever expanding control of "special interests," namely the aforementioned power nodes that are to blame for everything. Likewise, since these power nodes also control the mainstream media, one can begin to understand why it is that the pro-war message trumps the anti-war message every step of the way.

No Scott, we do know why we are over in Iraq. And despite your kooky theories, it has nothing to do with oil. As for a "system of accountability" I guess Scotty-boy here forgot about Congress, and the people who reelected President George W. Bush. If either truly felt that they were deceived to the points of the unforgivable, doesn't he think there'd be open calls for impeachment aMong BOTH Republicans and Democrats?

The possible outbreak of war with Iran (I know, I know) won't be anyone's responsibility other than congress' and the president's. He is using all of the Left's most popular and recognizable talking points to slam the administration. And what media is he frelling watching. Did he miss the 24/7 news coverage of Mother Moonbat in Texas? Has he missed the over-hyped pitiful antiwar demonstrations held throughout the country? And aside from Oliver North, and a couple other pundits on FOX News, I see no other newsperson playing the "Rah-Rah" game for the administration in regard to the war.

I think Scotty-boy is reacting the way Mother Moonbat did when the MSM got sick of her. He's lonely. He's being ignored. And as former presidents Clinton and Carter are notorious for doing, Scotty-boy is joining the party. This is a "Don't Forget About Me" moment. It's sad that a man that once had a mind has fallen so far, and now completely lost what was left.

Publius II


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