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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Friend Or Foe, Indeed

(Hat-Tip: Cox And Forkum, and Investor's Business Daily)

Take a good look at the cartoon by Cox and Forkum, and now you might understand where this comes from ...

The grisly deaths of two American servicemen show how hard it is to fight a war in which the enemy knows no rules and civilians can't be distinguished from combatants. Maybe it's time to make it easier.

There's a method in the madness of those who kidnapped, tortured and murdered Pfcs. Kristian Menchaca, 23, and Thomas Tucker, 25, who were manning a Baghdad checkpoint with a comrade who was killed in the assault.

The jihadists want to give momentum to those in the U.S. such as Rep. John Murtha and Sen. John Kerry who want to bring the boys home either now or by a certain date.

The terrorists want to create the impression that despite the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, and the establishment of a new and permanent Iraqi government, nothing has changed. It's no coincidence that news of the brutal murders hit just as Democrats pressed the U.S. Senate to endorse a hasty retreat from Iraq.

But there's another purpose in their sick minds — to create a sense of mistrust and uncertainty between U.S. servicemen and Iraqis, to accentuate the already omnipresent reality that any Iraqi a U.S. soldier may encounter might be the one who's going to kill him or her. The more suspicious our troops become, they reason, the greater the likelihood of innocent civilians being shot. And the more likely a premature withdrawal.

We don't know the details of the kidnappings and torture/murder of Tucker and Menchaca. But the situation they faced at their checkpoint is not unlike the situations faced by the Marines being investigated for an alleged massacre at Haditha or the Marines who were shackled at Camp Pendleton for allegedly dragging a 52-year-old man from his house in Hamandiya and killing him.

This is a war where terrorists routinely kill innocent civilians and booby-trap their bodies so others will die as well. They use civilians as shields and masquerade as civilians, hoping overly cautious Americans will become their next prey. They follow no rules. They wear no uniforms. They could be behind any door. They could be the next person you see. They could be the last.

As war critics mourn three jihadist suicides at Gitmo, we have three dead soldiers who might have met their fate simply because, after Hamandiyah and Haditha, they took too long to determine if their kidnappers were friend or foe. If they'd killed their assailants, would they now also be accused of killing "innocent" civilians?

Now I have tried to control my anger and my emotions for the last couple of days. And on the heels of the absolute idiots in the Senate trying to force our early departure from Iraq, I have had it. People like John Kerry, John Murtha, Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, etc., are not simply wrong. They are dangerous in their ideas and enunciated rhetoric. These people are trying to do precisely what the Left in Vietnam did. They are sowing seeds of dissent and dissatisfaction for the war in an effort to force our retreat from the battlefield.

In Vietnam, there was no direct attack on American soil or sovereignty. We were duped by the French into helping them. Shortly after our arrival, the French acted, well, French when they retreated. A few years later we, too, gave up the field of battle. I will not say we "lost" Vietnam; any veteran of that war will tell you they did not lose it, but the politicians back here sure helped with that retreat.

And once again they are trying to do the same. I would like to give these people quarter, but I cannot seem to muster that reserve within me. It seems more and more like we have people in this nation that are doing everything in their power--and I emphasize power--to disrupt our efforts. With these two measures from John Kerry, he has shown not only his stripes, but those amongst the leaders of the Democrat Party. They do not stand for fighting the good fight, protecting this nation, or stopping our enemy from turning the United States into another Israel.

They stand for peace, love, and understanding. You cannot do that with this enemy. You cannot do that with any enemy we have ever had, or any enemy that will come along. Despots, tyrants, dictators, and oppressors of all colors understand only one, simple thing. That is force. And met equally they will do one of two things. They will either fight or they will back down. Our enemy gave us the gauntlet on 9/11. We rose to meet that challenge, but fromt he word go their side has been wanting us to shut up, and cower before our enemies.

This is Americ. We cower for no one. Least of all a group of individuals so stuck int he past that they would sever my head for questioning them. And our enemy would do the same thing to them without a second thought.

Perhaps that is the saddest part about the display of the Democrats today: They do not understand that they, too, are as despised as we are.



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