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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Israel Update: Bombing Hezbollah To The Stone Age

From FOX News, and dear God let it be strue this time; let Thy swift sword deal with the enemies of Thy chosen nation:

Israel unleashed a furious military campaign on Lebanon's main airport, highways, military bases and other targets Thursday, retaliating for scores of Hezbollah guerrilla rockets that rained down on Israel and reached as far as Haifa, its third-largest city, for the first time.

The death toll in two days of fighting rose to 57 people with the sudden burst of violence sending shock waves through a region already traumatized by Iraq and the ongoing battles in the
Gaza Strip between Israel and Hamas. It shattered the relative calm in Lebanon that followed Israel's pullout from its occupied zone in south Lebanon in 2000 and the withdrawal of Syrian forces last year.

Israel's target was Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed militant Shiite faction which has a free hand in southern Lebanon and also holds seats in parliament. Hezbollah sparked the current conflict Wednesday with a cross-border raid that captured two of Israel's soldiers.

Israel said it was determined to beat Hezbollah back and deny the militant fighters positions they have held along the border since 2000.

Even FOX News has a problem calling them "terrorists," and people wonder why we call FOX News mainstream ...

Beyond that, I do hope that Israel is carrying this to its fullest limit. Thomas reminded me that Prime Minister Olmert was the one with his head on the chopping block when it came to former Prime Minister Sharon's decisions, and that he can handle international pressure. I only hope that is true. Prime Minister Olmert has shown he has the fortitude to handle this latest crisis, and that is to be commended. However, more does need to be done. Regardless of international pressure, Israel needs to be allowed the ability and leeway to deal with her enemies.

This is, it appears, that time. And Iran be damned should they become directly involved. The critics claim that Israel cannot deal with Iran should they get into this, and I say the critics and experts are incorrect; Israel, indeed, does have the ability to deal with such threats. It depends on whether or not the current leadership has the kishkas to truly deal with Hamas and Hezbollah.

The world community is going to condemn them regardless, so let the retaliation fly.

And that same community would rather protect those same tyrants rather than bring them to account. Shame on them. We are dealing with the worst that the global society has to offer, and the world would rather bow and scrape at their feet. I am sorry, but as I stated last night, WE do not bow at the feet of others. "Better to die on my feet than live on my knees." That is a trade-off for John Milton's infamous quote "Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven," but I desire neither.

I wish not to reign in Hell (DUH!), nor do I wish to serve in Heaven, unless it is as God's swift sword. Many have compared this war with Armageddon. And I pray that it is not so, however with Thomas, one cannot discount that fact. He is a "lay-scholar" among many subjects, and one of them happens to be the "End Times." Of course, he laughs this off, this time. But even he recognizes that many pieces are falling into place.

And above all of that, he merely looks at the world as a giant chessboard.

Pieces involved in this gambit and that gambit. Lost here, gained there, and things go on. But I am still concerned that if Israel does not deal with this threat, that this will continue on. Yoni Tidi on Hugh's show today stated that by Monday Israel will be fully engaged with Hamas, Hezbollah, and with Syria. No offense intended, but I do hope that Israel is dealing, fully, with those causing its highest problems, and not just doing this all for show.

The stakes involved are simply too high. If Israel exhausts herself, what will they do when the real threat emerges? Iran is simply waiting around the corner to take her down, and they have been licking their chops since President Ahmadinejad's first warning that Iran would remove the "Zionists" from the face of the earth.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Israel will continue their campaign to cripple Hezbollah and in the process if a Hezbollah supporting country such as Lebanon or Syria is hurt, sorry about that. StratFor has a very interesting read on what Israel is doing based on what they have done and the exposed position it finds itself in with Hamas. The NYT's and the uninformed refuses to understand what a jihad. It a declared Holy War! It's Islam Vs civilization as we know it! That's our stake in this war. It's been called WW3 or WW4 depending on what you call the cold war but it's war and involves the world! Rawriter

11:44 PM  

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