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The Asylum

Welcome to the Asylum. This is a site devoted to politics and current events in America, and around the globe. The THREE lunatics posting here are unabashed conservatives that go after the liberal lies and deceit prevalent in the debate of the day. We'd like to add that the views expressed here do not reflect the views of other inmates, nor were any inmates harmed in the creation of this site.

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Platform For 2006 & Beyond: A Roadmap To Victory

Now, far be it from me that I should give any advice to the GOP. They think they have a grasp on their problems. I’m sorry, but I have to disagree. The party is at a crossroads. Recently they’ve acted more like "junior Democrats," than the conservatives of old. President Reagan led the first conservative revolution in 1980. In 1994, another one occurred that swept the GOP into power in the House; power that’s never wavered since. But, based on what I’m witnessing now, the legacy of Reagan is long since forgotten. We need another revolution, and on behalf of the base, I’d like to offer the GOP a platform that will give them victory for years to come. It’s simple, but it’s also one that must be adhered to without fail. I can’t take all the credit for this. Hugh Hewitt brought this up a couple weeks ago.

First, Win The War. This is of the utmost importance to the nation. Without victory in the global war on terror nothing else matters. This is accomplished on two fronts: abroad and at home. Abroad, we must allow this administration, in concert with commanders in the field, prosecute this war fully and without impediment. No less was asked of Congress in World War II, and make no mistake, this is a world war even if the world doesn’t realize it yet. At home we need to secure our borders–both northern and southern–and we also need to obtain energy independence. No more foreign oil. Saudi Arabia and Venenzuala are anything but our "friends." Our oil dependence on both nations fuels our enemies, and opens this nation up to economic attacks. ANWR has plenty of oil to fuel our nation and it’s industries for decades to come. It needs to be drilled, and our elected representatives need reinforcement from their constituents that this is vital to the war effort.

Second, Cut The Taxes. The tax burden on this nation, though lessened by two previous tax cuts, is still too heavy for the taxpayers. Taxes are everywhere. From the non-edible groceries in our supermarkets, to the gas we buy, to the cigarettes we smoke, and beers we drink. The economy is growing. GDP is up, and interest rates are rising to keep back the possibility of inflation, but the taxpayer still needs a break. Another tax cut will spurn the consumers out to buy goods and services, thereby creating jobs, and increasing the government’s coffers. Tax hikes never net the amount of money to the government the way a cut can. When taxes are high, we’re thrifty. We drive our cars a couple of extra years before we invest in a new one. We make do with the home we live in, even though a bigger one might be better. We survive without the "top of the line" DVD players and stereos. But, when taxes are low, we go out and spend money. This is a simple fact that’s been proven over and over again. People want to keep more of their hard-earned money, and the government should realize this by now.

Third, Control The Spending. If you’re cutting taxes, then you’re also cutting the government’s budget. That means that Congress has to learn how to work within a budget. No easy task, to be sure, but it’s a move that has to be made. No more pork. If it’s not of vital importance to the nation it doesn’t get included in the budget. No more bridges to nowhere. No more subsidies for things like the Country Music Hall of Fame. And Robert Byrd has his name on enough pieces of stone, marble, and bronze in the state of West Virginia. Congress is spending money on things we wouldn’t buy at a garage sale. It’s time for the conservatives to tighten their belts again, and start acting fiscally responsible again. We’re supposed to be the party that watches out for the people, not rape them blind when our party can’t figure out how to balance their checkbook.

Last, Confirm The Judges. Alexander Hamilton once opined, "Liberty can have nothing to fear from the judiciary alone..." My, how things have changed. We live in a day and age where we have everything to fear from the judiciary. And nothing makes this more evident than recent decisions rendered. We have had our private property rights severely curtailed. We have seen our freedom of speech walked on. God is challenged in nearly every public arena. Our enemies are given rights under the Constitution despite the fact that they’re not citizens. And somehow, discrimination is considered "protected" under the Constitution. Were judges acting properly, and interpreting the Constitution properly, these decisions would have never been rendered. And that’s why the war for the courts is so important. We need more originalist or textualist jurists on the bench. We need judges that know and understand the Constitution as it is, and not create new "rights" out of nothing but thin air. But we also need to stay focused on this, and that means getting the judges out of the limbo known as the Senate Judiciary Committee.

These aren’t the only issues confronting the GOP; they’re only the most important ones. Certainly, there are more, but this platform–and it’s adherence to it–will ensure a GOP victory in 2006, 2008, and beyond. Twelve simple, easy-to-remember words:

Win The War
Cut the Taxes
Control The Spending
Confirm The Judges

But this starts with we, the people. There are a number "Republicans in name only" up for reelection in 2006, and a couple that are leaving for good. These people have consistently stabbed the GOP in the back. Remember the Gang of 14 deal? Seven Republicans participated in the shadiest of deals that nearly crippled the party. I say ‘nearly’ because the GOP still retains it’s power; it simply lacks the fortitude to utilize it. Constant reluctance is a sure sign of weakness. It’s time to ditch the old, non-productive Republicans, and get people in that want to move the country forward. The RINOs rarely move to help the party as they’ve become the eternal status quo. That gets the nation nowhere. So, remember that when you see that old windbag barking during the campaign about how valuable he is to the nation. Think back, and think hard. You thought it was lip service then, and now you know it is. No more. To win, we abide by the platform, and we move as one; united together, or not at all. If we don’t do this, we’ll be right back here with the status quo. Only we will have little Democrats, emboldened by their victories, and patting one another on the back for pulling another fast one on the voters, again.

Publius II


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very good. If I may so bold to add, stop giving in to those that oppose our America heritage, traditions, customs, culture and way of life. Stand tall for America! Rawriter

1:38 AM  

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